Great Court, Trinity College, University of Cambridge. c. 1870. Albumen photograph, approximately 6 x 8 inches. [Detail] (Click on photograph to enlarge it.) This is one of 58 photographs of Cambridge University taken for a William Winfield c. 1870 and assembled in an album now in the possession of New Boston Fine and Rare Books, which Kimberly Blaker, President of the firm, has kindly shared with readers of the Victorian Web.
A Victorian History and Description of the College (1870)
Trinity College. — This was founded, in 1546, by Henry VIII. it stands in Trinity-street, on ground previously occupied by seven hostels and two colleges. One of the colleges bore the name of Michael house, and was founded, in 1324, by Hervey de Stanton; the other bore the name of King's Hall and was founded, in 1337, by Edward III.; and both were suppressed by Henry VIII. The present college comprises three courts, called the great court, Nevile's court, and King's court. The great Court is entered by a fine old gateway; measures 1,202 feet in circuit; and has an octagonal conduit in the centre. Nevile's court was built in 1609, by D. Nevile; and measures 22S feet by 143. King's court was built in 1823-6, after designs by Wilkins, at a cost of £40,000; displays much elegance; and was named in honour of George IV., who headed the subscription for it with a donation of £1,000. The half, in the great court, is 100 feet long, 40 feet wide, and 50 feet high; and is in the Tudor style. The master's lodge, in the same court, is large and lofty; and has since the time of Elizabeth, been the residence of the sovereigns visiting the university. The library, in Nevile's court, was designed by Wren; is 190 feet long, 40 feet wide, and 38 feet high; and contains the manuscript of Paradise Lost, a statue of Lord Byron by Thorwaldsen, and busts of eminent members of the college hy Roubiliac. The chapel, in the great court, is late perpendicular, 204 feet long, 34 feet wide, and 44 feet- high, and has an altar-piece by West; and the ante-chapel contains Roubiliac's statue of Newton.
The college h:is 60 fellowships, 72 scholarships, 16 sizarships, 3 professorships, 74 livings, and an income of £34,522. Eminent men educated at it were Bishops Tunstal and Watson, the poets Cowley, Dryden, Donne, Herbert, G. Fletcher, Marvel, V. Bourne, Lee, Hayley, Byron, and Crabbe, the astrologer Dee, Robert Earl of Essex, Whitgift, Sir Edward Coke, Lord Bacon, Fulke Lord Brooke, Sir R. Cotton, Sir H. Spelman, P. Holland, Hacket, Wilkins, Pearson, Barrow, Willoughlby, Bentley, Gale, Ray, Cores, Robert Nelson, C. Middletoh, Le Neve, Maskeline, Sir Isaac Newton, Villiers, Governor Pownall, Sir K. Filmer, Sp. Perceval, Lord Lansdowne. Lord Macaulay, Dr. Whewell, and Professor Sedgwick. A statue of Macaulay was prepared in 1866. — John M. Wilson
Related Material — other pictures of Trinity College, Cambridge

- Interior of the Hall, Trinity College. 1838 (engraving)
- Chapel
- Dining Hall
- Great Court colonnade
- Nevile's Court exterior
- Wren Library interior
- Wren Library
- Bridge over the Cam near the college
Bound album of 58 original albumen photographs of Cambridge University. Oblong 4to, full gilt-stamped black morocco leather, bound cover has scuffing and is worn heavily at hinges. Four raised bands and gilt stamped borders. Detailed gilt stamped decor on interior cover edges. Blue silk endpapers in very good condition. E. G. Bookplate of Clifton Waller Barrett tipped in front end sheet. New Boston Fine and Rare Books.
Wilson, John M. (John Marius). The imperial gazetteer of England and Wales: embracing recent changes in counties, dioceses, parishes, and boroughs: general statistics: postal arrangements: railway systems, &c.; and forming a complete description of the country. 8 vols. Edinburgh: A. Fullarton, 1870.Internet Archive online version of a copy in the Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center. Web. 27 October 2022.