Exterior views of the building

- South façade portico (for south entrance hall)
- North entrance (for small concert hall)
- Colored photograph c. 1890-1900
- Lime Street and St George's Hall
- The history of the building
- St. George's Hall: The world's first airconditioned building
- Main Air Intake at North End of East Portico
Interior views of the building
- The Minton floor of the Great Hall
- The bronze doors of the Great Hall
- The undercroft
- Great North Water Apparatus (Pipes are 100mm in Diameter).
- Humidifying Steam Injectors below Great North Water Apparatus
- Typical Air Valves
- Position of Gas Jet in Extract Shaft
- Roof Space Over Court No 2 (Originally Civil Court).
Plans of the building
Bas reliefs on the exterior of St George's Hall: The Progress of Justice series
- Thomas Stirling Lee's Joy follows the growth of Justice, led by Conscience, directed by wisdom
- Thomas Stirling Lee's Justice in her purity, refuses to be diverted by the straight path by wealth and fame
- Thomas Stirling Lee's Justice, having attained maturity, upholds theworld, supported by knwledge and right
- Thomas Stirling Lee's Justice able to stand alone, adminsiter by the sword
- Thomas Stirling Lee's Justice, relieved of her sword by virtue and of her scale by concord
- Thomas Stirling Lee's Justice receives the kiss of righteousness, and the crown of immortality
Bas reliefs on St George's Hall: the National Progress series
- Charles John Allen's Liverpool, a municipality, employs labour and encorages art
- Charles John Allen's Liverpool collects produce and exports the maufactures of the country
- Conrad Dressler's Liverpool imports cattle and wool, for food and clothing
- Conrad Dressler's Liverpool by its imports supplies the country with food and corn
- Thomas Stirling Lee's Liverpool by her shipwrights builds vessels of commerce
- Thomas Stirling Lee's Liverpool, a fishing village, gives her sons the boat and the net
Carson, Patrick. Thomas Potter: Victorian Craftsman, 1804-1895. Vol. II. Privately printed, 2022. 18-20.
Cavanagh, Terry. The Public Sculpture of Liverpool. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1996.
Dickens, Charles. Speeches: Literary and Social [1841-1870]. Ed. R. H. Shepherd. London: Chatto & Windus, 1884. Google Books. Free to read. See pp. 287-291. Web. 6 September 2020.
"Figure Studies for Pavement of St George's Hall, Liverpool." Amgueddfa Cymru, National Museum of Wales. Web. 3 September 2022.
Huggins, Samuel. "Opening of St George's-Hall, Liverpool." The Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal. Vol. 17 (1854). 359-64. Google Books. Free Ebook.
Insall, Donald. "Historic Floors at Risk: St George's Hall, Liverpool." Historic Floors: Their Care and Conservation. Edited by Jane Fawcett. Oxford: Butterworth/Heinemann, in association with ICOMOS UK, 2001. 194-97.
Library of Congress site. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA. Web, 6 September 2022.
Read, Benedict. Victorian Sculpture. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1982.
"St George's Hall, Liverpool." Historic England. Web. 6 September 2022.
Speel, Bob. "Sculpture around St George's Hall, Liverpool." Web. 6 September 2022.
Sturrock, Neil S. "St George's Hall, Liverpool." The Victorian Web.
Turnor, Reginald. Nineteenth Century Architecture in Britain. London: Batsford, 1950.
Walker, David. Walks Through History: Liverpool. Derby: Breedon, 2007.
Willox, John. Adams' History and Description of St. George's Hall, Liverpool. Liverpool: Stephen Adams, 1868. Google Books. Free Ebook. Web. 6 September 2022.
Last modified 23 March 2013