- Bangunun Sultan Abdul Samad, 1897 (High Court of Malaysia)
- looking from north to south down Jalan Raja
- looking from north to south down Jalan Raja
- looking from south to north up Jalan Raja
- Arches
- Staircase and Copper Dome
- Clocktower
- Pejabat Pos Besar [General Post Office]
- Looking north up Jalan Raja
- Detail staircase
To see location of buildings, click on map
- Bangunun KTM Berhad (Railway Administration Building)
- Looking north along Jalan Sultan Hishamuddin
- Center of façade with dome
- Façade with arches
- Façade with arches (closer view)
- Southern end
- Open Staircase with Dome and Spire
- Detail: Open Staircase
- Detail of Tower
- Detail: Dome and Spires
- Stesen Keretapi Kuala Lumpur, 1911 (Kuala Lumpur Railway Station)
- Gallery
- Towers and Open Staircases
- Train Shed. Southern end
- Train Shed and Towers
- Eastern Side
- Top of Façade, North End
- Main Entrance, West side
- Southern end, West side
- Detail of West Façade,
- Towers on West Side seen from South
- Towers on West Side (detail)
- Infokraft (Textile Museum; originally Department of Public Works
- View of main façade
- Looking north up Jalan Raja
- Detail of façade

- Old City Hall
- Mahkamah Tinggi [High Court]
Links to Related Material
- Buildings in the Tudor or other British styles in Kula Lumpur
- Buildings in Georgetown, Penang
- Masjid Jamek Kedua (Jamek Kedua Mosque), Muar
- Buildings in Melaka
Created 4 December 2000
Last modified 18 November 2021