Battling the interference of 658 MPs, plus Peers, press, and royalty; coaxing and soothing his collaborator, Pugin; fending off the mad schemes of a host of crackpot inventors and assaults from the egos of countless busybodies intent on destroying his reputation; and coming in three times over budget and 16 years behind schedule, its architect eventually won through — after countless setbacks and rows. Constructed during the age of the Chartists, the anti-Corn Law League, the Irish potato famine, the railways, the Great Exhibition, and the Crimean war, Mr Barry masterminded it all — and his war is the tale of the greatest building programme in Britain since the Middle Ages. — Caroline Shenton, Mr Barry's War (Oxford University Press, 2016), 5.

- Charles Eastlake's Evaluation of the Architecture (1872)
- A Gallery of Modern Photographs
- David Boswell Reid's Ventilation of the Houses of Parliament
- The First Reformed Parliament (1843)
Exterior Views
- View from across the River Thames
- Downstream view from across the River Thames
- Landward side
- Silhouetted towers
- View from Westmnster Bridge
- Big Ben aganst a stormy sky
- Big Ben seen from below
- Big Ben (detail)
- Big Ben Silhouetted
- Riverside antern with crown
- Tower and roofs
- Bridge Street façade
- Pinnacles
- View from across Parliament Square
- Pinnacles from across Parliament Square
- Central tower
- Upriver night view (1)
- Upriver night view (2)
- Big Ben at night

Interior Views
- Interior of the House of Commons (1843)
- The Lobby
- Tea Room at the House of Commons
- Lower Waiting Hall
- St. Stephen's Hall
- The Restored Crypt of St. Stephen’s, the Chapel of the Houses of Parliament

Furnishing and Design Details by Pugin and others
- Princes’ Chamber chair (Parliament)
- Door furniture, including key plates
- Hinges (Parliament)
- Brass door grills (Parliament)
- House of Commons Chair
- Preparatory Drawings for the New Houses of Parliament
- William Holman Hunt on the Frescoes and Other Paintings in the Houses of Parliament
The Old Houses of Parliament
- The Burning of the Houses of Parliament
- A three-quarter view of the Old House of Commons
- The front elevation Old House of Commons
- The Old House of Commons and surrounding buildings
- Parliament seen from mid-Thames (1859 engraving)
- Under Construction (1842)
- The fourteen-century Hammerbeam roof
The Houses of Parliament in the arts
- River view from The Book of the Thames from its Rise to its Fall (1859)
- David Roberts's David Roberts's The Houses of Parliament
- G. Ayton Symington’s Houses of Parliament from Father Thames (n.d.)
- Mortimer Menpes's The Houses of Parliament
- J. M. W. Turner’s The Burning of the [old] Houses of Parliament
- Claude Monet’s Houses of Parliament series (exhibition review including images at the end)
- George Vicat Cole's The Palace of Westminster, London
The Houses of Parliament and Technology
Created 23 November 2015
Last modified 1 October 2022