Sideboard by Philip Speakman Webb. Manufacturer: Morris & Co. Height: 80 inches (204.5 cm); length: 79 3/4 inches (202.5 cm.); width 25 (63.5 cm.) Ebonised and painted wood, with inset panels of embossed and stained leather. This sideboard is similar to the one owned by F. R. Leyland. A version of this deisgn appears in the catalogue of William Morris and Co. with entirely painted decoration.
The Fine Art Society, London, has most generously given its permission to use information, images, and text from its catalogues in the Victorian Web. This generosity has led to the creation of hundreds and hundreds of the site's most valuable documents on painting, drawing, sculpture, furniture, textiles, ceramics, glass, metalwork, and the people who created them. The copyright on text and images from their catalogues remains, of course, with the Fine Art Society. [GPL]
Morris and Company. London: The Fine Art Society, 1979. No. 7.
Last modified 17 July 2001