Centre table. Holland and Sons, manufacturer. 1868. Hungarian Ash. “the rectangular leather-inset top handed with purple heart with two drawers in the frieze, raised on trestle supports ending in bun feet; 3 feet 6 inches; 165cm wide. Sotheby’s no. 171.
This table comes from a ”collection of furniture was originally commissioned in 1868 by Mr R. N. Thornton from Holland and Sons, Mount Street, for his country house, Knowle Cottage, Sidmouth, Devon. Ex Collection Miss E. M. Thornton” (32).

“An important Collection of Furniture by Holland and Sons.” Important Arts and Crafts Furniture . . . 1839-1930. Sotheby’s Belgravia, 28 May 1975. pp. 32-40.
Last modified 24 April 2021