The Aesthetic Movement and the Cult of Japan. London, 1972. (catalogue of an exhibition at the Fine Art Society).

Alcock, Sir Rutherford. Art and art industries of Japan. London, 1878.
_____. The capital of the Tycoon: narrative of a three years residence in Japan. London, 1863.
_____. Catalogue of the works of industry and art sent from Japan. International Exhibition. London, 1862.
Allen, Jeanne. The designer's guide to Japanese pattern. 2 the Edo period . London, 1988.
_____. The designer's guide to Samurai patterns. London, 1990.
Anderson, William. The pictorial arts of Japan. London, 1886.
Arts of East and West from world expositions. 1855-1900 : Paris, Vienna and Chicago. Commemorating the 2005 World Exposition, Aichi, Japan. Aichi, Japan, 2005.
(includes details of the Japanese contributions to the major 19th century exhibitions).

Audsley, George Ashdown. The art of chromolithography : popularly explained and illustrated by forty-four plates showing separate impressions of all the stones employed , and all the progressive printings in combination, from the first colour to the finished picture. London, 1883.
(shows the stages of colour printings of a plate from The ornamental arts of Japan 1882-84 — this is probably the clearest demonstration of the successive printings from stone required to print a complex chromolithograph).
_____. Descriptive catalogue of art works in Japanese lacquer . London, 1875 .
_____. The ornamental arts of Japan. London, 1882-4.
_____. Modern Japanese enamels. Liverpool, 1873 .
_____. The ornamental arts of Japan. 2 vols. London, 1882-1884. (chromolithographs).
Audsley, George Ashdown, and Bowes, J(ames) L(ord). Keramic art of Japan. 2 vols. Liverpool, 1875. (published for subscribers - chromolithographs).

Banerjee, Jacqueline. “Transnational Flows: nineteenth-century Responses to Japanese Culture." Times Literary Supplement. (26 July 2019): 9. [Slightly expanded and illustrated version].
Batley, H W. A series of studies for domestic furniture decoration. Designed and etched by H W Batley. London, 1883.
(among the best collections of designs from the era the Aesthetic Movement. Besides being an accomplished designer, Batley was a fine etcher.)
Berger, K. Japonismus in der Westlichen Malerei 1860-1920. Munich, 1979. Bijutsukai Kan no Yon-jû. Kyoto, various dates in the 1890s.
An extensive series of books on decoration published by Unsd — bibliographical detail supplied by Charles Vilnis, Boston Rare Book Company).
Bing, Siegfried. Artistic Japan. London, 1888-91.
(a monthly publication which is invariably found bound together in 3 volumes).
_____. La vie et l'Ïuvre de Hok'sa: l'art japonais avant Hok'saï; la jeunesse de Hok'saï-Shunro. Paris, 1896 .
Weisberg, Gabriel, Becker, Edwin, Possámá, Évelyne (editors). The origins of L'Art Nouveau: The Bing Empire. Amsterdam: Van Gogh Museum, distributed by Cornell University Press 2004.
Bowes, James Lord. Japanese enamels. London, 1886.
Brinkley, Captain F (editor). Japan described and illustrated. Boston, 1897-98.
Burges, William. Polychromy.
(an album dated “October 18, 1858” in the Print Room, the Victoria and Albert Museum — William Burges (1827-81) — a leading Gothic Revival architect — was among the earliest collectors of Japanese prints in Britain, some of his designs incorporate Japanese decorative motifs).
Burty, Philippe. Les ámaux cloisonná anciens et modernes. Paris, 1868.
_____. Collection P. Burty. Objets d'Art Japonais et Chinois. Vente, 23-28 Mars 1891. Paris, 1891. (an important early sale catalogue).
Catalogue de l’exposition retrospective de l’art japonais. Paris, 1883.
Chesneau, Ernest. L’art japonais. Paris, 1868.
Cutler, T W. A grammar of Japanese ornament and design. London, 1880.
Delank, Claudia. Das imaginre Japan in der Kunst: "Japanbilder" vom Jugendstil bis zum Bauhaus. Munich, 1996 .
Dolmetcsch, Heinrich. Japanische Vorbilder . . .. Stuttgart, 1886.
Dresser, Christopher. Japan, its architecture, art and art manufactures. London, 1882. (republished in facsimile).
Foujita, (T). Lágendes Japonaises. Recueillies et illustrás par T Foujita. Práface de Claude Farrere. L'eau — la terre — le ciel — le feu. Paris, 1922.
Fraipont, Gustave. L’album japonais. Motifs inádits de decoration japonaise, ráproduits d’après les originaux. Paris, 1879.
Franks, Augustus. Japanese pottery, being a native report. London, 1880. (a South Kensington Handbook).
Hart, E. Stencils of old Japan from originals in the collection of Ernest Hart. London, 1893.
Jackson, Anna. Japanese textiles from the Victoria and Albert Museum. London, 2000.
[Jeckyll, Thomas.] Trade catalogue — Cast Iron. Barnard, Bishop & Barnard, Norfolk Iron Works, Norwich . . . Norwich, April, 1878 .
(contains numerous designs by the architect Thomas Jeckyll (1827-81) in the ÔAnglo-Japanese’ style — Jeckyll’s cast-iron sunflower fire dogs were used in Whistler’s Peacock Room — now in the Freer Gallery, Washington).
Kato, Hidetoshi (editor). Visions of Japan. 3 vols. London, 1991.
(published in connection with the exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum which accompanied the Festival of Japan — one volume contains samples of Japanese ephemera — sumo wrestling posters, restaurant menus etc. — which affirm the continuity and energy of the Japanese decorative tradition).
Hirase, Koichiro. Shell section drawings. Kyoto, 1909. (text in Japanese).
Hirasuna, Delphine. Hinagata: kimono pattern books. New York and London, (2002?).
Forrer, Matthi. Hokusai prints and drawings. Munich, 1991.
(catalogue of an exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts, London — Hokusai’s oeuvre included numerous decorative woodblock prints for fans) .
Holme, Charles. A course of instruction in Japanese wood carving according to the Japanese method. London, (1899).
Hosley, William. The Japan idea: art and life in Victorian America.. Hartford, Conn., 1990. (catalogue of an exhibition).
Huish, Marcus B. Japan and its Art. London, 1889.
Humbert, Aimá. Le Japon illustrá.. Paris, 1870.
[The Japan Textile Colour Design Centre]. Textile designs of Japan.. Tokyo and London, 1980 (3 volumes).
Le Japon à l’Exposition Universelle de 1878.. Paris, 1878.
Le Japonisme.. Paris, 1988.
(catalogue of an exhibition at the Galeries nationales du Grand Palais, Paris and the Museum of Western Art, Tokyo — includes an extensive bibliography).
Jessen, Peter.. Japan, Korea, China. Reisestudien eines Kunstfreundes.. Leipzig, 1921 .
_____. Japanische Farbendrucke.. Berlin, 1905.
(catalogue of a special exhibition at the Knigliche Museen Berlin, Kunstgewerbe-Museum, 19th March -16th April 1905).
Kan, Umpô. Bokuchiko hatsumo.. 4 vols. Nagoya, (1857) .
Christopher Dresser owned three volumes of this work — information from Charles Vilnis, Boston, USA).
Laverly, Grace E. Quaint, Exquisite: Victorian Aesthetics and the Idea of Japan. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2018.
Lee, Sherman E. The genius of Japanese design. Tokyo, 1981.
Leighton, John. On Japanese art.. London, 1863. (privately printed).
Macfarlane, Charles. Japan; an account, geographical and historical. London, 1852.
Meech, Julia, and Weisberg, Gabriel P.. Japonisme comes to America. The Japanese impact on the graphic arts 1876-1925. New York, 1990.
Migeon, Gaston. Chefs-d'oeuvre d'art japonais.. Paris (1905).
Morse, Edward S. Japanese homes and their surroundings. London, 1888.
Moser, D H. A book of Japanese ornamentation. London, 1880.
Mutual influences between Japanese and Western arts.. Tokyo, 1968. (catalogue of an exhibition).
Ono, Ayako. Japonsime in Britian: Whistler, Menpes, Henry, Hornel and nineteenth century Japan. London: RoutledgeCurzon, 2003.
Osborn, Captain Sherard, RN. Japanese fragments. London, 1861.
Perry, Commodore M[atthew] C[albraith]. Narrative of the expedition of an American squadron to the China Seas and Japan, compiled by Francis L. Hawks. New York, 1856.
Reed, Sir Edward. Japan: its history, traditions and religions. London, 1880.
Rein, J J. The industries of Japan. London, 1889.
_____. Japan. London, 1889.
Sato, Tomoko and Watanabe, Toshio. Japan and Britain: an aesthetic dialogue 1850-1930. London, 1991.
(published in connection with an exhibition at the Barbican, London and the Setagaya, Japan, galleries)
Silver, J M W. Sketches of Japanese manners and customs. London, 1867.
“Some Recent Developments in the Potter Ware of the Martin Brothers.”The Studio (October 1907): 108-115. Internet Archive digitized from a copy in the University of Toronto Library.
Strange, Edward F. Japanese illustration, a history of the arts of wood-cutting and colour printing in Japan. London, 1897.
(Symposium). “Remarques sur le japonisme de Bracquemond.” Japonisme in Art, an International Symposium.. Tokyo, 1980.
Tanaka, Yoshio. San — moku dzu setsu. Flore du Japon arrangáe selon le système de Linná, par Inuma Yokusai.. Tokyo, 1874. (illustrated with Japanese wood-cuts).
Titsingh, M. Illustrations of Japan. London, 1821. . Tuer, A W. The delightful and strange designs, being one hundred facsimile illustrations of the art of the Japanese stencil-cutter. London, 1893.
Watanabe, Toshio. High Victorian Japonisme.. 1991.
Weisberg, Gabriel P.and Weisberg, Yvonne M. L.. Japonisme: an annotated bibliography. New York, 1990. (published by the International Center for Japonisme).
Weisberg, Gapbriel P., et al. Japonisme. Japanese influence on French art 1854-1910.. Cleveland, 1975. (catalogue of an exhibition — contains an extensive biography) .
Wichmann, Siegfried. Japonisme The Japanese influence on Western art in the 19th and 20th centuries. London, 1981.
Yoshimoto, Kamon. Meiji, Taisho: komon tebikae, bansho rui-shu (Collection of over 1500 small patterns in Ôvarious Japanese motifs’, 1865-1925) . Tokyo, 1979.
Patterns and motifs, from a variety of sources, including notebooks for printed cotton textiles from the late Edo, Meiji and Taisho periods).
Last modified 5 April 2023