The disposition of the illustrations by Robert Barnes in The Graphic (volume 33, 2 January-15 May, 1886). Note: Since all twenty illustrations have dimensions are approximately 8.875 inches by 6.875 inches, the following table indicates only whether they appear in horizontal or vertical format.

Part DateChapter Title of Illustration Page in Magazine Format
2 January One "Hay-trussing —?" said the turnip-hoer, who had already begun shaking his head. "O no."p. 17 horizontal
9 January ThreeThe hag opened a little basket behind the fire, and, looking up slyly, whispered, 'Just a thought 'o run in it?"p. 41 vertical
16 January Five cont'd Her mother whispered as she drew near, 'Tis he." p. 69 vertical
23 January Eight Young Farfrae repeated the last verse. It was plain that nothing so pathetic had been heard at the King of Prussia for a considerable time. p. 101 horizontal
30 January Ten "I don't drink now — I haven't since that night." p. 133 vertical
6 February Fourteen "Then it's somebody wanting to see us both." p. 161 vertical
13 February Sixteen Farfrae was footing a quaint little dance with Elizabeth Jane. p. 189 vertical
20 February Nineteen "Don't cry — don't cry," said Henchard, with vehement pathos, "I can't bear it." p. 217 vertical
27 February Twenty "Did you do it, or didn't you? Where was it?" p. 241 vertical
6 March Twenty-two The man before her was not Henchard. p. 269 vertical
13 March Twenty-four She knelt down on the hearth, and took her friend's hands excitedly in her own. p. 293 horizontal
20 March Twenty-six In answer to the knock Fall came to the door, candle in hand. p. 317 vertical
27 March Twenty-seven "She has gone on with Mr. Henchard, you say?" p. 341 vertical
3 April Thirty Henchard turned slightly, and saw that the comer was Jopp, his old foreman. p. 373. vertical
10 April Thirty-three Henchard, with withering humility of demeanour, touched the brim of his hat to her. p. 397 vertical high.
17 April Thirty-five "Well, Lucetta, I've a bit of news for ye," he said gaily. p. 421 vertical
24 April Thirty-seven "Now," said Henchard between gasps, "Your life is in my hands." p. 449 horizontal
1 May Thirty-nine Lucetta's eyes were straight upon the spectacle of the uncanny revel." [discussion] p. 477 vertical
8 May Forty-one "Elizabeth, my child, come and hearken to what we are talking about and not bide staring out o' window as if ye didn't hear." p. 509 horizontal
15 May Forty-four "I have done wrong in coming to 'ee . . . I'll neve, never trouble 'ee again, Elizabeth Jane." p. 529 vertical


Allingham, Philip V. "A Consideration of Robert Barnes' Illustrations for Thomas Hardy's The Mayor of Casterbridge as Serialised in the London Graphic: 2 January-15 May, 1886." Victorian Periodicals Review 28, 1 (Spring 1995): pp. 27-39.

Foster, Vanda. A Visual History of Costume: The Nineteenth Century.London: B. T. Batsford, 1984.

Hardy, Florence Emily. The Early Life of Thomas Hardy, 1840-1891. 2 vols. London: Macmillan, 1928.

Hardy, Thomas. The Mayor of Casterbridge. The Graphic 33 (2 January-15 May 1886).

Hardy, Thomas. The Mayor of Casterbridge: A Story of a Man of Character. London: Osgood McIlvaine, 1895.

Jackson, Arlene. "The Mayor of Casterbridge: Realism and Metaphor."Illustration and the Novels of Thomas Hardy. Totowa, NJ: Rowman and Littlefield, 1981. Pp. 96-104.

Vann, J. Don. "The Mayor of Casterbridge in the Graphic, 2 January—15 May 1886." Victorian Novels in Serial. New York: Modern Language Association, 1985. Pp. 86-87.

Wright, Sarah Bird. "The Mayor of Casterbridge. Thomas Hardy A to Z: The Essential Reference to His Life and Work. New York: Facts On File, 2002. Pp. 207-216.

Created 5 December 2000

Last modified 23 February 2025