Bewick might in our day have been styled a Pre-Raphaelite, "retaining in his delineation of natural scenery a fidelity to the facts of science so rigid as to make his work at once acceptable and credible to the most sternly critical intellect." — Thomson's The Life and Works of Thomas Bewick, 100
Biographical materials
- Thomas Bewick's role in the history of wood-engraving
- Bewick and Newcastle
- Portrait of Thomas Bewick engraved by Jackson
- Portrait of Thomas Bewick by Ramsay
- Reconstruction of Bewick's studio (I)
- Reconstruction of Bewick's studio (II)
- Bewick's Workshop, St. Nicholas Churchyard, Newcastle
- Thomas Bewick's role in the history of children's books
The Fables of Æsop (1818)
- Title-page
- The Two Crabs
- Tailpiece [Fox and Hen]
- Tailpiece [Coming ashore]
- Industry and Sloth
- The Collier and the Fuller
- xxx
- The Proud Frog and the Ox
- Tailpiece [Frog]
- The Stag looking into the water
- The Leopard and the Fox
- The Peacock and the Crane
- The Two Pots
- Tailpiece [Ill fares the land]
- The Goat, the Kid, and the Wolf
- Tailpiece [“Honour thy Father and thy Mother”].
- The Lark and her young ones
- The Cock and the Jewel
- Mercury and the Woodman
- The Fox and the Vizor Mask
- The Fox and the Crow
- The Lion, the Tiger, and the Wolf
- The Dog in the Manger
- The Angler and the Little Fish
- The Bear and the Bee-Hives
- The Hen and the Swallow
- The old woman and the empty cask
- Fortune and the Boy
- The Wolf and the Crane
- The Fox and the Grapes
- The Mice in Council
- The Hen and the Fox
- The Ape chosen king
- The old man and Death
- The Countryman and the Snake
- The Hare and the Tortoise
- The Fox and the Goat
- Jupiter and Pallas
- The Vain Jack-Daw
- The Lion and the Mouse
- The Ant and the Fly
- The Fox and the Lion
- The Flying Fish and the Dolphin
- The Country and the City Mouse
- The Ant and the Grasshopper

A History of British Birds

- A Griffon-Vulture
- The Golden Eagle
- The Peregrine Falcon
- The Kestrel, or Windhover
- Eagle-Owl
- The Snowy Owl
- The Barn-Owl
- The Pied Flycatcher
- The Mistletoe-Thrush
- The Blackbird
- The Nightingale
- Title-page
- The Skylark
- St. Mary's Chapel, Tynemouth Priory
- The Sad Historian from Goldsmith's Poems
- Elephant
- Dace or Dare
- John Dory
- Bream
- Tailpiece
- The Arms of Newcastle

Bewick, Thomas. A Memoir of Thomas Bewick Written by Himself Embellished with Numerous Wood Engravings, Designed and Engraved by the Author for a Work on British Fishes, and Never before Published. Newcastle-on-Tyne: Robert Ward and London: Longman, Green, Logman, and Roberts: 1862. Internet Archive version of a copy at the University of Toronto. Web. 20 September 2014.
Thomson, David Croal. The Life and Works of Thomas Bewick being an Account of His Career and Acivements in Art with a Notice of the Works of John Bewick. London: The Art-Journal, 1882. Smithsonian Libraries site. Web. 19 September 2014.
The purpose of the present work is to show the engraver more than the politician; the pictorial designer in place of the religious advocate; the energetic artist and graphic moralist rather than the letterpress teacher. — Preface
The Fables of Æsop, and Others , with designs on Wood by Thomas Bewick. London: Bernard Quaritch, 1885. Internet Archive version of a copy at the University of California. Web. 19 September 2014.
Yarrell, William. A History of British Birds. 4th ed. 4 vols. London: John Van Voorst, 1871. Internet Archive version of a copy at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Web. 19 September 2014.
Last modified 19 September 2014