Biographical Material and Discussions
- Biographical Introduction
- Randolph Caldecott and Kate Greenaway as Book Cover Designers
- Caldecott, Evans, and the Production of the ‘Toy Books’: A Significant Collaboration
- Cover for Jackanapes
- Back Cover: Little Jacknapes pursuing a duckling
- First page chapter IV: the Postman
- [The Lovers elope]
- First page chapter IV: the Postman
- Jacknape's death was sad news
- Jackanape's faithful, old childhood pony Lollo draws Miss Jessamine's bath-cart across the green
- A Scene outdoors
- Cover for Lob Lie-By-The-Fire
- The Christmas Dinner
- ‘I saw him and Master Simon’
- ‘This is the house that Jack built’
- ‘I used to keep my master’s pigs’
- ‘I used to keep my master’s hens’
- ‘Bumpety, bumpety, bump!’
- The Farmer and his daughter
- The Fall
- ‘And the Dish ran away with the Spoon’
- ‘A great she bear, coming down the street ...’
- ‘The great Panjandrum himself’

Books illustrated
Ewing, Juiliana Horatia. Jackanapes. Brighton and London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge; New York: E. & J. B. Young, n. d.
_____. Lob Lie-by-the-Fire, or the Luck of Lingborough. London: SPCK [1880].
The Farmer’s Boy. London: Routledge [1881].
The Great Panjandrum Himself. London: Routledge [1885].
Hey Diddle Diddle and Baby Bunting. London: Routledge [1882].
The House that Jack Built. London: Routledge, 1878.
Irving, Washington. Bracebridge Hall. London: Macmillan, 1875.
Irving, Washington. Old Christmas. London: Macmillan, 1877.
Ride a-Cock Horse to Banbury Cross and A Farmer Went Trotting Upon His Grey Mare. London: Routledge [1884].
Secondary sources
Blackburn, Henry.Randolph Caldecott: A Personal Memoir of His Early Art Career. London: Sampson Low, 1886.
[Caldecott, Rudolph].Your Pictorially. Ed. Michael Hutchins. London: Warne, 1976.
Crane, Walter. An Artist’s Reminiscences. London: Methuen, 1907’
Engen, Rodney. Randolph Caldecott: Lord of the Nursery. London: Oresko Books, 1976.
Evans, Edmund. Reminiscences. With an introduction by Ruari McLean. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1967.
Hardie, Martin. English Coloured Books. 1906; rpt. London: Fitzhouse Books, 1990.
McLean, Ruari. Victorian Book Design and Colour Printing. London: Faber and Faber, enlarged edition, 1972.
Last modified 14 September 2024