This is Plate X1V, 'A Gentle Canter', of Lady Dufferin's Lispings from Low Latitudes, 1863. 6½ x 7½. Wood engraving by an unknown engraver. The ironic mismatch between the caption and the illustration is a typical example of the way in which humour was generated by deliberately misaligning what is seen and said. On this occasion the canter is anything but gentle; Miss Gushington is carried away, her terror manically conveyed in the movement of her clothes, hat and parasol. The anthropomorphized camel's expression forms another droll contrast, as if it were knowingly setting out to unsettle the beak-nosed old maid. [Click on image to enlarge it.]
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Scanned image and text by Simon Cooke. You may use this image without prior permission for any scholarly or educational purpose as long as you (1) credit the person who scanned it and (2) link to this URL in a web document or cite it in a print one. Click on image to enlarge it.
Lady Dufferin [Helen Blackwood.Lispings from Low Latitudes. London: Murray, 1863.
Created 12 May 2020