McClure's Magazine (New York). Illustration for Hardy's "Master John Horseleigh, Knight." This headpiece with an Elizabethan gentleman, which appears at the top of p. 136, suggests the Chorus in a Shakespeare play such as Romeo and Juliet. The American artist has included the symbol of the Horseleigh family, the three horses' heads, in the banner which the Chorus supports. The spelling "Knyght" and the long "s" in "illustrated" suggest the story's the temporal setting, although the narrative voice in the text is modern rather than early Renaissance.
by Harry C. Edwards, 1893. Wood engraving, size 5.5 cm high by 9.3 cm wide.Scanned image and text Philip V. Allingham [You may use this image without prior permission for any scholarly or educational purpose as long as you (1) credit the photographer and (2) link your document to this URL in a web document or cite the Victorian Web in a print one.]
Hardy, Thomas. "Master John Horseleigh, Knight." McClure's Magazine. (New York) 1 (July 1893): 136-46.
Last modified 31 January 2009