Biographical materials and criticism

- Mary Ellen Edwards and Illustration of the 1860s
- Edwards as an Illustrator of Fiction
- Mary Ellen Edwards — Her Style and Influence
William Gilbert's Ruth Thornbury; or the Old Maid's Story (1866)
- Then she awoke, and saw someone standing beside her
- Charity here placed the letter in Ruth's hand
- In his white bed-gown he knelt before Ruth
- [He] threw himself on his knees by her side
- They were . . .both looking remarkably sheepish and confused
- [Ruth and Mary arrange the library]
Anthony Trollope's The Claverings (1866)

- ‘A puir feckless thing’
- Illustrated initial letter “L”
- ‘Harry’, she said, ‘There is nothing wrong between you and Florence?’
- Lady Ongar and Florence
- Husband and Wife
- Florence Burton makes up a packet
Charles Lever’s The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly (June, 1867-Oct. 1868)
- 1. On the Croquet Lawn (June 1867)
- Initial-letter Vignette T (June 1867)
- 2. The Arrival of a Great Man (July 1867)
- Initial-letter Vignette A (July 1867)
- 3. A Winter Day's Walk (August 1867)
- Initial-letter Vignette W (August 1867)
- 4. At the Cottage (September 1867)
- Initial-letter Vignette J (September 1867)
- 5. Looking down from the Cliff (October 1867)
- Initial-letter Vignette A (October 1867)
- 6. The Curate Cross-Examined (November 1867)
- Initial-letter Vignette C (November 1867)
- 7. The Villa Altiere (December 1867)
- Initial-letter Vignette A (December 1867)
- 8. "My Lord, you are a Model of Courtesy" (January 1868)
- Initial-letter Vignette C (January 1868)
- 9. A Small Lodging at Louvain (February 1868)
- Initial-letter Vignette A (February 1868)
- 10. "George, George, do not give way thus!" (March 1868)
- Initial-letter Vignette I (March 1868)
- 11. 'A Reception' at Rome (April 1868)
- Initial-letter Vignette I (April 1868)
- 12. A Pleasant Dinner (May 1868)
- Initial-letter Vignette W (May 1868)
- 13. A Tête-à-Tête (June 1868)
- Initial-letter Vignette T (June 1868)
- 14. The Letter-Bag (July 1868)
- Initial-letter Vignette T (July 1868)
- 15. "Have you a sweetheart, Gretchen?" (August 1868)
- Initial-letter Vignette T (August 1868)
- 16. "Do you know that?" (September 1868)
- Initial-letter Vignette A (September 1868)
- 17. A Meeting (October 1868)
- Initial-letter Vignette J (October 1868: end of serialisation)

Annie Edwards' The Ordeal for Wives (1863-64)
- The Dance of Death (1865)
- Diana Paget and Charlotte Halliday (from M. E. Braddon’s Birds of Prey, 1867)
- Mother’s Last Words (for Mary Sewell’s book of that title, 1893)
Periodicals and other works in which Edwards' illustrations appeared
The Argosy (1868).
Braddon, M.E. Birds of Prey. Belgravia 2 (June 1867). Co-illustrated by M. E. Braddon.
The Churchman’s Family Magazine (1863–64).
Good Words (1866).
The Graphic (1869–80).
Idyllic Pictures. London: Cassell, Petter, & Galpin, 1867. Co-illustrated by Edwards.
The Illustrated Times (1867).
Lever, Charles. The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly. The Cornhill Magazine 15 (June, 1867): pp. 640-664; 16 (July-December 1867): 1-666; 17 (January-June 1868): 70-663; 18 (July-October 1868): 1-403. Rpt. London: Chapman & Hall, 1872. Illustrated by M. E. Edwards; engraved by Joseph Swain.
Once a Week (1865–68).
The Quiver (1864–68).
The Sunday Magazine (1865).
Trollope, Anthony. The Claverings. The Cornhill Magazine 13–15 (1866–67).
Secondary Works
[Anon] ‘The Claverings.’ London Review 14 (11 May 1867): p. 547.
Cherry, Deborah. Victorian Woman Artists. London: Routledge, 1993.
Clayton, Ellen C. English Female Artists. 2 Vols. London: Tinsley, 1876.
Cooke, Simon. Illustrated Periodicals of the 1860s. London: British Library, 2010.
Engen, Rodney. Exhibition of Proof Wood Engravings at the Mendez Gallery. Stroud: Hodgkins, 1986.
Garrigan, Kristine Ottesen. "Women Artists." Victorian Britain: An Encyclopaedia. Ed. Sally Mitchell. Abingdon: Routledge, 2011. pp. 864–866.
Gerrish Nunn, Pamela. Victorian Women Artists. London: The Women’s Press, 1987.
Hall, N. John. Trollope and His Illustrators. New York: St Martins Press, 1980.
The Newcastle Guardian and Tyne Mercury. 8 August 1868. P. 7.Reid, Forrest. Illustrators of the Eighteen Sixties. 1928; rpt. New York: Dover, 1975.
Trollope, Anthony. An Autobiography. 2 Vols. London: Blackwood, 1883.
White, Gleeson. English Illustration: The Sixties, 1855–70. 1897; rpt. Bath: Kingsmead, 1970.
Created 7 September 2014 Last updated 9 September 2023