[Click on images to enlarge them and to obtain more information about the plates.]
Abel Magwitch and the young Pip

Left to right: (a) Abel Magwitch by Clayton Clarke ("Kyd"). (b) The Terrible Stranger in the Churchyard by F. W. Pailthorpe. (c) Pip's Struggle With The Escaped Convict by Harry Furniss. (d) Pip and the Convict by Charles Pears.

Left (a) "And you know what wittles is?" by F. A. Fraser. Right: I made bold to say "I am glad you enjoy it by H. M. Brock.

Left: The sergeant ran in first by F. A. Fraser. Right: The sergeant ran in first when he had run the noise quite down.
Magwitch and the adult Pip

Left to right: (a) On the Stairs by F. W. Pailthorpe. (b) Magwitch under Sentence of Death by Harry Furniss. (c) Pip and the Convict by Charles Green.

Left: Magwitch and Compeyson in the Booth at Epsom by Harry Furniss. Right: I says to Compeyson, 'Once out of this court, I'll smash that face o' yours." by F. A. Fraser.

Left to right: (a) He had spoken his last words by F. A. Fraser (b) The Convict's Return by Felix O. C. Darley.
Related Materials
- Estella
- Mrs. Havisham
- Jaggers
- Joe and Mrs. Joe
- Orlick
- Trabb and Trabb's boy
- Wemmick
- Abel Magwitch: A Chronology of the Step-father Figure in Dickens's Great Expectations
- Dickens's Great Expectations in Film and Television, 1917-2000
- Charles Dickens’s Great Expectations
- Bibliography of works relevant to illustrations of Great Expectations
Allingham, Philip V. "The Illustrations for Great Expectations in Harper's Weekly (1860-61) and in the Illustrated Library Edition (1862) — 'Reading by the Light of Illustration'." Dickens Studies Annual, Vol. 40 (2009): 113-169.
_______. "'We Can Now See That the Days of Illustrated Novels Were Drawing to an End' — Not So." The Dickens Magazine. Haslemere, Surrey: Bishops Printers. Series 1, Issue 3, pp. 6-7.
Dickens, Charles. Great Expectations. Harper's Weekly: A Journal of Civilization. Illustrated by John McLenan. Vol. IV-V (24 November 1860 through 3 August 1861).
______. ("Boz."). Great Expectations. With thirty-four illustrations from original designs by John McLenan. Philadelphia: T. B. Peterson (by agreement with Harper & Bros., New York), 1861.
______. Great Expectations. Household Edition in 22 volumes. Illustrated by F. A. Fraser. London: Chapman and Hall, 1876. Vol. XI.
Guiliano, Edward, and Philip Collins eds. Dickens's Great Expectations in The Annotated Dickens. New York: Clarkson N. Potter, 1986. Vol. II: 822-1115.
Paroissien, David. The Companion to "Great Expectations." Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 2000.
Watts, Alan S. "Why Wasn't Great Expectations Illustrated?" The Dickens Magazine. Haslemere, Surrey: Bishops Printers. Series 1, Issue 2, pp. 8-9.
Waugh, Arthur. "Charles Dickens and His Illustrators." Retrospectus and Prospectus: The Nonesuch Dickens. London: Bloomsbury, 1937, rpt. 2003. Pp. 6-52.
Created 17 January 2012 Last updated 4 December 2021