‘Chris’ Hammond was one of the most productive illustrators of the 1890s. Best known as an interpreter of classic fiction, she embellished texts by Jane Austen, Maria Edgeworth, W. M. Thackeray, George Eliot and a number of others, as well as contributing to Cassell’s Magazine, The Quiver, and St Pauls. She was also a painter, exhibiting eighteen genre pieces at the Royal Academy, The Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolour, the Grosvenor Galleries and in the galleries in Suffolk Street.

Critical introduction
- “O, Sir Pitt,” she said, “I — I’m married already”
- “I must see you”
- Bound in a web of green silk
- She turned away
- Mr Beauclere
- As they blazed
- Reading
- Elisa
Last modified 12 May 2016