Book illustrations constitute the largest body of artistic output clearly and solely attributed to Lockwood Kipling's name.... Kipling's drawing skills, and lifelong propensity to observe and record what he saw, made him a natural illustrator. — Elizabeth James 361.
Before Kipling left India in 1893, he had already illustrated educational books, publications for the Mayo School in Lahore of which he was then principal, and Edward Emerson Oliver's Across the Border, or Pâthan and Biloch for Chapman & Hall (1890). He had also illustrated his own Beast and Man in India (1891), and had contributed drawings of craftsmen to the South Kensington Museum's long series, Portfolio of Indian Art (1881 onwards). This really was a large body of work, with over eighty illustrations of his own in Beast and Man alone. After retiring and returning to England, he spent much of his time designing covers and providing illustrations for his son's fiction, although he by no means confined himself to this. One of his later projects, for instance, was to illustrate Flora Annie Steel's Tales of the Punjab (1894), in which his various types of illustration, including decorated initial letters, and head- and end-pieces, are perhaps most fully integrated. But Elizabeth James is particularly impressed by the ten highly original illustrations based on sculptured reliefs, reproduced photographically, that he prepared for Rudyard's Kim (1901) — "a completely new method of enhancing literary texts" (382). — Jacqueline Banerjee

John Lockwood Kipling's Other Works
Illustrations for Beast and Man in India (a selection)
- Going to Work (Punjab), In Time of Drought and In a good Season
- An Ekka, and A Raja's Charger (Mawar Breed)
- Punjabi Farmer on a Branded Mare
- Undress
- Waiting for the Raja and In Royal State
- A Camel Gun and The Leading Camel of a Kafila (Afghanistan)
- Outcasts (A Begging Leper and Pariah Dogs)
- A Snake-Charmer
- Small Wares in Metal
- Endpiece

Illustrations for Tales of the Punjab (a selection)
- "[T]hey talked together about everything delightful" ("Sir Buzz")
- "At this, the bear's mouth began to water" ("The Bear's Bad Bargain")
- "The Jôgi, seeing the lad, called out fiercely, 'What do you want here?'" ("The Son of Seven Mothers")
- "Little Anklebone sat by the milken pond, and piped away" ("Little Anklebone")
- "The very instant it saw the Prince, it went down on its knees" ("The Two Brothers")
- "It is never safe to be wiser than one's friends" ("The Jackal and the Pea-Hen")
- "Page Decorations in Tales of the Punjab
Illustrations for Kim

- Kim,
- Kim and the Lama
- The Ressaldar
- On the Road
- Kim and the Letter-Writer
- Mahbub Ali
- The Jut [Jat] and His Sick Child
- Hurry [Hurree] Chunder Mookerjee
- The Woman of Shanlegh
- The End of the Search
Bryant, Julius, and Susan Weber, eds. John Lockwood Kipling: Arts and Crafts in the Punjab and London. New York: Bard Graduate Centre Gallery; New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2017.
James, Elizabeth. "Kipling and Book Illustration. In Bryant and Weber. 361-399.
Kemp, Sandra. "My Bread and Butter: Kipling's Journalism." In Bryant and Weber. 301-27.
Kipling, John Lockwood. Beast and Man in India: A Popular Sketch of Indian Animals in Their Relations with the People. London: Macmillan, 1891. Internet Archive. Contributed by the Royal College of Physicians in Edinburgh. Web. 20 January 2017.
Kipling, Rudyard. Kim. New York: Doubleday, 1901. Internet Archive. Contributed by the New York Public Library. Web. 20 January 2017.
Steel, Flora Annie Webster. Tales of the Punjab: Told by the People. London: Macmillan, 1917. Internet Archive. Contributed by the New York Public Library. Web. 20 January 2017.
Created 21 January 2017