Introductory Material

The Plates
- Book cover
- No. 1. (Uncaptioned frontispiece) 16 cm by 10 cm
- No. 2. Dick Dewy
- No. 3. Going the Rounds
- No. 4. Michael Mail
- No. 5. Mr. Penny
- No. 6. The Tranter, Reuben Dewy
- No. 7. Grandfather William
- No. 8. Thomas Leaf
- No. 9. Yalbury Wood and the Keeper's House
- No. 10. Mrs. Day
- No. 11. Driving out of Budmouth
- No. 12. Going Nutting
- No. 13. Elizabeth Endorfield
- No. 14. The Knot There is No Untying
- No. 15. Geoffrey Day
- No. 16. Ornamental Tailpiece: Married at Last
- No. 17. The Chatto and Windus title-page.

Hardy, Thomas. Under The Greenwood Tree, or, The Mellstock Quire — A Rural Painting of the Dutch School (1872). Ed. Anna Winchcombe. Houndmills, Basingstoke, and London: Macmillan Education, 1978.
Purdy, Richard Little. Thomas Hardy: A Bibliographical Study. Oxford University Press. 1954.
Last modified 14 July 2014