Biographical Material and Paton's work in other genres
Artistic Relations
- Pre-Raphaelitism
- Joseph Noel Paton's Contribution to Fairy and Fantasy Art
- Waller H. Paton. RSA RSW (Joseph's younger brother)

Works signed with monogram
- [Knights and soldiers]
- [Defeated horseman]
- [A Knight in Armor]
- [Randolph tells of defeat]
- "He is keeping / Royal state and semblance still"
- Tailpiece [Woman mourning on battlefield]
- [Evan Cameron]
- [Montrose brought to the scaffold]
- [Montrose kneels in prayer]
- Tailpiece [Montrose's head on a spike]
- [Lord james hurling the heart]
- "Do not lift him from the bracken"
- "Praying for a place beside thee/ Dearer than my bridal bed."
- "Strike! and when the fight is over . . ."
- "And the Havover horsemen, Fiercely riding to and fro"
- "When the howling storm o'ertook us."
- "And died at Killiecrankie Pass . . . ."
- The Blind Milton
- "And an old Pilgrim, weary and alone . . ."
- "Lo! the cressets of the night are waning"
- Œnone
- "O! I fling my spirit backward"
- The Refusal of Charon
- [Charon]
- Lo! we bring with us the hero
- Untitled headpiece for "The Old Camp"
- Pictorial frontispiece to The Water Babies
- Water Babies
Aytoun, William Edmondstoune. Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers and Other Poems. Illus. Sir Joseph Noel Paton and Waller H. Paton. Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1870.
Last modified 2 November 2009