Biographical and Other Introductory Material

Illustrations for Rogers’ Italy
- Foscari
- Ginevra
- The Nun
- Jorasse
- Bergamo
- The Brides of Venice
- Tailpiece for “Coll’alto”
- Tailpiece for “The Campagna of Florence”
- Tailpiece for “Foscari”
- A noble Dame in weeds of widow-hood [“The Campagna of Florence”]
- The Pilgrim
- The Funeral
- Amalfi
- The Fountain [“At length there came the loveliest of them all,”]
- Naples [The Tarantella]

Illustrations for Falconer’s The Shipwreck
- To her PALEMON told his tender tale
- With him the Pilots of their helpless state
- Lo! her bright image
- O’er her soft Frame
Illustrations for Goldsmith’s The Vicar of Wakefield

- As my eldest son was bred for a scholar, I determined to send him to town
- Perceiving her danger, instantly plunged in to her relief
- He again offered to salute the female part of the family
- I instantly knew the voice of my poor ruined Olivia. I flew to her rescue
- My friends, my children, and my fellow-sufferers, when I reflect on the distribution of good and evil here below
- My two little ones sat upon each knee, the rest of the company by their partners
Sterne’s A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy (1792)

- Frontispiece: Laurence Sterne (after Reynolds)
- "The Snuff-box": Yorick, the Lady, and the Monk
- "The Dead Ass": The Mourner
- "The Pulse": Yorick and the Grisette
- "The Passport": Yorick and the Starling
- "Maria. Moulines": Maria and Yorick
- "The Grace": The Dance.
Illustrations for Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe

- My Father . . . gave me serious and excellent counsel against what he foresaw was my design
- Robinson Crusoe and Xury alarmed at the sight of a lion
- Robinson Crusoe shipwrecked, and clinging to a rock
- Robinson Crusoe upon the raft
- Robinson Crusoe at work in his cave
- Robinson Crusoe in his island dress
- Robinson Crusoe discovers the print of a man's foot
- Robinson Crusoe terrified at the dying goat
- Robinson Crusoe first sees and rescues his man Friday
- Robinson Crusoe and Friday making a boat
- Robinson Crusoe and Friday making a tent to lodge Friday's father and the Spaniard
- Robinson Crusoe's first interview with the Spaniards
- The plantation of the two Englishmen
- The two Englishmen retreating with their wives and children
- The Spaniards and Englishmen burning the Indians' boats
- A View of the Plantation of the three Englishmen
- Robinson Crusoe distributing tools of husbandry among the inhabitants
- Robinson Crusoe's seamen vowing revenge for the death of their commander
- A Chinese gentleman at his repast
- Robinson Crusoe travelling in Chinese Tartary
The Pleasures of Memory
Work in other media
Bennett, Shelley M. Thomas Stothard: the Mechanisms of Art Patronage in England circa 1800. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1988.
Bray, Mrs. Life of Thomas Stothard, R. A., with Personal Reminiscences. London: John Murray, 1851.
Coxhead, Albert Crease. Thomas Stothard, R.A., an Illustrated Monograph. London: A. H. Bullen, 1906.
Defoe, Daniel. The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, Written by Himself. Illustrated by Thomas Stothard; engraving by C. Heath. London: Bliss, Sands, and Foster, 1820.
Goldsmith, Dr. [Oliver]. The Vicar of Wakefield. A Tale. Illustrated by Thomas Stothard. London: Sammells and Ritchie for E. Harding, Fleet-Street; and J. Good, New Bond-Street, 1792.
Ray, Gordon N. The Illustrator and the Book in England from 1790 to 1914. New York: Pierpont Morgan Library and Oxford University Press, n. d.
Sterne, Laurence. A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy by Mr. Yorick. Illustrated by Thomas Stothard. London: J. Good, No. 159, New Bond Street; and E. and S. Harding, No. 102, Pall Mall, 1792; rpt., 1801].
Last modified 31 October 2018