And when the candles came (uncaptioned illustration) by M. A. Titmarsh [W. M. Thackeray], 1855. Wood-engraving, probably by William Linton. 3.4 cm high by 17.2 cm wide (1 ⅜ by 2 ¾ inches), vignetted, twenty-fifth illustration for The Rose and The Ring, p. 340. Descriptive headlines: "Read — And Take A Warning By T, Have Good Care of What You Write" (pp. 340-341). [Click on image to enlarge it; mouse over links.]
Passage Illustrated: Giglio unwittingly signs an Agreement to marry Countess
"Only an order for you to sign, dear Prince, for giving coals and blankets to the poor, this cold weather. Look! the King and Queen are both asleep, and your Royal Highness’s order will do."
So Giglio, who was very good-natured, as Gruffy well knew, signed the order immediately; and, when she had it in her pocket, you may fancy what airs she gave herself. She was ready to flounce out of the room before the Queen herself, as now she was the wife of the rightful King of Paflagonia! She would not speak to Glumboso, whom she thought a brute, for depriving her dear husband of the crown! And when candles came, and she had helped to undress the Queen and Princess, she went into her own room, and actually practiced on a sheet of paper, "Griselda Paflagonia," "Barbara Regina," "Griselda Barbara, Paf. Reg.," and I don’t know what signatures besides, against the day when she should be Queen, forsooth! [Chapter VIII, "How Gruffanuff Picked the Fairy Ring Up, and Prince Bulbo Came to Court," pp. 340-341]
Furniss, Harry. The Rose and The Ring; or, The History of Prince Giglio and the Prince Bulbo. William Makepeace Thackeray's Christmas Books. With illustrations by the author and Harry Furniss. The Harry Furniss Centenary Edition. London: Macmillan and Co., 1911. Pp. 287-428.
Titmarsh, M. A. [W. M. Thackeray].The Rose and The Ring. London: Smith, Elder, 1855.
Created 25 July 2022