Introductory material
- Hugh Thomson as a book illustrator
- From George Du Maurier to Hugh Thomson: Illustrating the Work of Elizabeth Gaskell
- Hugh Thomson as book-cover designer
- Books with illustrations and bindings by Hugh Thomson
- No-one could black his boots except himself
- To show your tight ankles
- The Autumn Idyll
- Miss Matty
- To see the Alderney
- With bland satisfaction
- The Church smiling approval
- The Church, Kingston-upon-Thames
Book cover designs
- Elizabeth Gaskell's Cranford, 1891
- Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, 1894
- Coridon’s Song, 1894
- Hugh Dobson's The Story of Rosina, 1895
- George Eliot's Scenes of Clerical Life, 1906
Secondary works
Carter, John. Publisher’s Cloth: an Outline History of Publisher’s Binding in England, 1820–1900. 1935; rpt., Aberystwyth: College of Librarianship, 1970.
Muir, Percy. Victorian Illustrated Books. 1971; rpt. London: Batsford, 1985.
Reccio, Thomas. Elizabeth Gaskell’s ‘Cranford’: a Publishing History. Burlington, V.T: Ashgate, 2009.
Wood, Esther. ‘British Trade Book Bindings and their Designers’. The Winter Number of The Studio, 1899–1900, pp. 3–37.
Last modified 8 February 2017