- The Sacrifice of Isaac flanked by two scenes with Priests and altars
- Three panels, each depicting an Old Testament type (or prefiguration) of Christ
- Three panels, each depicting an Old Testament type (or prefiguration) of Christ: The Annunciation, Nativity, and Baptism of Christ
- The Crucifixion
- Disciples, Saints, and Martyrs
- St. Peter and other Disciples, Saints, and Martyrs
- God as Alpha and Omega
- Saints, Martyrs and Fathers of the Church, including St. Christopher, an author of one of the gospels, and St. Cecilia (patron saint of music
- Saints, Martyrs and Fathers of the Church, including St. Francis
- The Resurrection
- The Last Judgment
- The Central panel (click twice to enlarge it)
- The damned being driven to the eternal fire (panel to the right of the central resurrection)
- The saved (panel to the left of the central resurrection
- The Story of Joseph
- Two angels

“Know Your Saints: How to Identify the Saints in Art.” www.sacred-destinations.com. Web. 26 August 2012.
Thompson, Paul. William Butterfield, Victorian Architect. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1971.
Last modified 26 August 2012