[Thackeray created the decorated capital “B” for Vanity Fair.]

Nonetheless, as Sally Mitchell points out in her biography of Cobbe, she refused to have anything to do with women like George Eliot who openly had extra-marital sexual relationships. When the novelist “was then in Florence staying with Thomas and Theodosia Trollope, Cobbe did not accept an invitation to meet her because, she explained in a private letter many years later, she had ‘a very strong old fashioned prejudice in favour of lawful matrimony & against such unions as hers. . . . What infinite pity it was that her real genius allied itself in such base fashion!’” (111). Cobbe herself may have wanted no part of marriage and devoted many years to pointing out how it harmed women, but she abruptly refused the request of Anna Kingsford, the pioneering female physician, to nominate her for the first women's club, because she was a “married woman who lived, not with her busband and child, but ‘under the same roof’ as her unmarried male friend” (285). What some thought her “old-fashioned moralizing” when she attacked “looser and more ‘Bohemian’ manners” (270) alienated some of the younger women feminists.
Mitchell, Sally Francis Power Cobbe: Victorian Feminist, Journalist, Reformer. Charlottesville and London: University of Virginia Press, 2004.
Last modified 7 July 2014