Gender Criticism in Great Expectations
Brown, Carolyn. “'Great Expectations': Masculinity and Modernity."English and Cultural Studies. Ed. Michael Green. London: Murray, 1987. 40, 60-74.
Budd, Dona. “When So, Not So: Voice and Gender in Dickens' Fiction."Dissertations Abstract International. Ann Arbor: Dissertations Abstracts International, 1995 January. 55:7, 1963A.
Carlton-Ford, Cynthia Clara. “Conversation, Gender, and Power: Dialogue in the Nineteenth Century Novel."Dissertations Abstract International. Ann Arbor: Dissertations Abstracts International, 1988 March. 48:9, 2341A-42A.
Houston, Gail T. “Anorexic Dickens: Gender, Hunger, and the Consumer World of the Novels."Dissertations Abstract International. . Ann Arbor: Dissertations Abstracts International, 1991 February. 51:8, 2753A.
Shuman, Cathy Elizabeth. “Different for Girls: Gender and Professional Authority in Mill, Ruskin, and Dickens." Dissertations Abstract International. Ann Arbor: Dissertations Abstracts International, 1995 January. 55:7, 1971A-72A.
Treatment of Sexuality in Great Expectations
Cohen, William A. “Unspeakable Sexuality: Scandal and the Victorian Novel." Dissertations Abstract International. Ann Arbor: Dissertations Abstracts International, 1994 April. 54:10, 3755A.
Coker, Judith Briggs. “Sexuality in Discourse: Feminine Models in Recent Fiction by American Women." Dissertations Abstract International. Ann Arbor: Dissertations Abstracts International, 1986 October. 47:4, 1321A.
Hartog, Curt. “The Rape of Miss Havisham." Studies in the Novel. 14(1982): 248-265.
Feminist Criticism of Great Expectations
Knoepflmacher, U.C. “From Outrage to Rage: Dickens's Bruised Femininity." Shattock, ed. Dickens and Other Victorians: Essays in Honor of Philip Collins. New York: St. Martin's, 1988.
Langbauer, Laurie. “Streetwalkers and Homebodies: Dickens's Romantic Women." Women and Romance: The Consolations of Gender in the English Novel. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1990. 127-87.
Langbauer, Laurie. “Women in White, Men in Feminism." The Yale Journal of Criticism: Interpretation in the Humanities. Baltimore: Yale Journal of Criticism, 1989 Spring. 2:2, 219-243.
Raphael, Linda. “A Re-Vision of Miss Havisham: Her Expectations and Our Responses." Studies in the Novel 21 (1989): 73-98.
Walsh, Susan. “Bodies of Capital: Great Expectations and the Climateric Economy." Victorian Studies 37. (1993): 73-98.
Treatment of Women in Great Expectations
Holbrook, David. Charles Dickens and the Image of Woman. New York: New York UP, 1993.
Romig, Evelyn M. “Twisted Tale, Silent Teller: Miss Havisham in Great Expectations." Dickens Quarterly. Amherst: Dickens Quarterly, 1988 March. 5:1, 18-22.
Sciolino, Martina. “Woman as Object of Exchange in Dickens' Great Expectations and Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury." Mississippi Review. 17:1-2 (49-50), 97-128.
Siegel, Carol. “Postmodern Women Novelists Review Victorian Male Masochism." Genders 11. New York: Genders, 1991 Fall. 11, 1-16.
Related Material
- "Gender in Nineteenth-Century Literature: A Bibliography"
- Another bibliography of works about Great Expectation and questions of gender.]

Last modified 1996