Andrea Holm Allingham of Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada [], is Sessional Lecturer in the Faculty of Education at Lakehead University. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics, with a minor in Psychology, University of British Columbia, (1983) and the degree of Master of Arts in Educational Administration at the University of Victoria (1990). In addition, she holds a Permanent British Columbia Professional Teaching Certificate and also has done graduate research on Victorian children's literature.
Recent Publications
(With P. Allingham). King Lear with Related Readings: Teacher's Guide. The Global Shakespeare. Scarborough, Ontario: ITP Nelson Canada, 1997.
(With P. Allingham). Julius C�sar with Related Readings: Teacher's Guide. The Global Shakespeare. Scarborough, Ontario: ITP Nelson Canada, 1997.
Review: "Gillian Avery's Everyman edition of 'Holiday Romance' and Other Writings for Children." Dickensian 92, 1 (Spring, 1996): 54-57.
Review: " Gary A. Negin's Teaching Thinking and Literacy. " Journal of Educational Thought (University of Calgary).
"An Annotated Bibliography of Canadian Children's Books." News and Views in English Language Arts (newsletter of the Maine Council for English Language Arts) 15, 5 (April 1992).
"Six Questions in Search of an Answer." UBC Graduate 15, 3 (March, 1992): 13-14.
(With P. Allingham). "A Review of Willinsky and Bedard's The Fearful Passage." International Federation of Teachers of English Journal July, 1990.
"The Socialization of New English Teachers." Update (quarterly newsletter of the B. C. English Teachers' Association) 31, 3 (July, 1989): 8.
"The Politics of Grammar." Update 29, 2 (December, 1986): 15.
"E. S. L. Students: Is The Current System Stacked Against Them?" Update 29, 1 (October, 1986): 8-9.
B. Professional Experiences
I. Secondary School Teaching Experience
1. 1995-2000: Teacher of English 8, 9, 10, and 11, Communications 11/12, and Career and Personal Planning 8 at Golden Secondary School, S. D. No. 6.
2. 1998-1999: Department Head, Career and Personal Planning, Golden Secondary.
3. 1992-5: Counsellor at Golden Secondary, School District No. 18.
4. 1974-6: Teacher, School District No. 57 (Prince George), B. C.
II. University/College Teaching Experience Prior to coming to Lakehead University
1. Fall, 1994, and spring, 1996: Instructor, English 100 (college composition), East Kootenay Community College (now College of the Rockies), Golden campus.
2. 1991 Summer Session: ED-B 341 ("Literature in the Elementary Classroom"), Faculty of Education, University of Victoria.
3. Fall, 1990: Laboratory Leader, Principles of Teaching (Secondary), Faculty of Education, University of B. C.
4. 1990 Summer Session: ED-B 371 ("Literature for Young Adults"), Faculty of Education, University of Victoria.
5. April, 1990: Generalist supervision of secondary practicum students in School District No. 36 (Surrey), Faculty of Education, University of Victoria; English specialist supervision of practicum students in School District No. 61 (Greater Victoria).
6. 1989-1990: ED-B 371 ("Literature for Young Adults") and ED-B 430 ("Organization and Administration of the B. C. School System"), as well as practicum supervision of secondary English students in Sooke and Victoria, Faculty of Education, U. Vic.
7. 1988-1989: Subject-area specialist supervisor, English, Internship Program, University of Victoria and School District No. 61 (Greater Victoria).
8. September-December, 1985: Substitute teaching in English and mathematics, Adult Basic Education, Camosun College, Victoria.
9. 1978-1985: Post-secondary instructor, G. E. D., E. S. L., and Basic Literacy Level III programs, Fraser Valley College.

Last modified Novermber 22, 2000