Left: Barnard's October 1895 full-page lithograph for "The Fate of Humphrey Snell" in The Illustrated London News: "It isn't my fault," sobbed the girl. "They've turned me out, and I don't know where to go.". Centre: Barnard's composite woodblock engraving for the same story: "We shall have him on our 'hands" in The English Illustrated Magazine. Right: Barnard's small-scale lithograph for the December 1895 short story "An Inspiration" in The Illustrated English Magazine: "I brushed past Dunning, and went right up to her". [Click on the images to enlarge them and for more information about them. — Philip V. Allingham]

Gissing's Short Fiction: A Periodical Bibliography (1893-98)

"Lou and Liz." The English Illustrated Review, Vol. X, 1893.

"Our Mr. Jupp." The English Illustrated Review, Vol. XI, 1894.

"The Pessimist of Plato Road." The English Illustrated Review, Vol. XII, 1894.

"A Capitalist." The National Review, Vol. XXIII, 1894.

"The Fate of Humphrey Snell." Illustrated by Fred Barnard. The English Illustrated Magazine. No. 145 (Oct., 1895): 1-10.

"An Inspiration." Illustrated by Fred Barnard. The English Illustrated Magazine. No. 147 (Dec., 1895): 268-75.

"The Poet's Portmanteau." The English Illustrated Review, Vol. XII, 1895.

"In Honour Bound." The English Illustrated Review, Vol. XIII, 1895.

"The Foolish Virgin," The Yellow Book, Vol. VIII, January 1896.

"Great Men in Little Worlds," Parts II, III, IV, and V.  The English Illustrated Review, Vol. XV, 1896.

"The Light on the Tower." The English Illustrated Review, Vol. XVI, 1897.

"Spellbound." The English Illustrated Review, Vol. XVIII, 1897.

"One Way of Happiness." The English Illustrated Review, Vol. XIX, 1898.

"A Despot on Tour." Strand Magazine, Vol. XV, 1898.

Created 25 January 2021