Sentiment without passion, and suffering without abjection — these, along with a deep religious sense, and with the gifts of a brilliant mind taking the poetical direction through eager sympathy and some genuine vocation, constitute the life of Mrs. Hemans. Whatever may be the deservings of the poems in other respects, they do not fail to convey to the reader a certain impression of beauty, felt to be inherent as much in the personality of the authoress as in her writings: they show as being the outcome of a beautiful life, and in fact they are so. The impression which the reader will thus have received from perusing the poems is not only confirmed but intensified when he knows the events of the writer's life. [W. M. Rossetti xi]

Felicia Hemans, frontispiece to the Project
Gutenberg edition of the poems.
Biographical Materials
- S. C. Hall's Biography
- Felicia Hemans: A Chronology
- Review of Edward Chitham's Liverpool Tigress: The Life of Felicia Hemans
- Casabianca ["The boy stood on the burning deck"]
- (Offsite)The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Poems of Felicia Hemans
Ashfield, Andrew, ed. Romantic Women Poets, 1770-1838: An Anthology. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1995 (see notes, pp.120-134).
Chitham, Edward. Liverpool Tigress: The Life of Felicia Hemans. York: Chitham, 2024.
Clarke, Norma. Ambitious Heights: Writing, Friendship, Love — the Jewsbury Sisters, Felicia Hemans, and Jane Welsh Carlyle. London: Routledge, 1990.
Hall, Samuel Carter. A Book of Memories: Great Men and Women of the Age, from Personal Acquaintance.. London: Virtue & Co., 1877. Internet Archive, from a copy in Cornell University Library. Web. 3 December 2024.
Hemans, Felicia Dorothea. The Poetical Works of Felicia Hemans. Edited, with a critical memoir, by William Michael Rossetti. London: John Walker, [1882?]. Internet Archive, from a copy in Robarts Library, University of Toronto. Web. 3 December 2024.
_____. Felicia Hemans: Selected Poems, Letters, Reception Materials. Ed. Susan J. Wolfson. Princeton University Press, 2005.
Kelly, Gary. Felicia Hemans: Selected Poems, Prose and Letters. Ormskirk, Lanc.: Broadview Press, 2002.
McGavran, J. H. "Felicia Hemans’s Feminist Poetry Of The Mid 1820S." Women’s Writing 21, no.4 (2013): 540–558.
Rossetti, W. M. "Prefatory Notice." Hemans xi-xxviii.
Shattock, Joanne. The Oxford Guide to British Women Writers. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993.
Taylor, B. D. "Felicia Hemans and The Domestic Affections, and Other Poems; or Mrs Browne’s Publishing Project." Women’s Writing. 21, no.1 (2014): 9–24.
Trinder, Peter. Mrs. Hemans. Cardiff: University of Wales Press (Writers of Wales series), 1984.
Created 26 March 2005
Last modified 3 December 2024