Biographical material

- The Heights, Witley, Surrey — the home of Lewes and George Eliot
- George Eliot
- Gordon S. Haight on Carlyle, Eliot, & Lewes
Literary Relations
- Lewes and Eliot’s Causabon and Proteus Merman
- Lewes as a reviewer of other writer’s work (note 11)
- Lewes’s relationship with Carlyle (note 20)
- Rivalry with Harriet Martineau as translator of Auguste Comte
Philosophy and Religion
- Growing reputation of his science writings
- Huxley’s criticism of Lewes’s early work
- Lewes begins war of words with his hostile review of Huxley
On acting and actors
From The Life of Goethe
- An Introduction
- Weimar in the Eighteenth Century
- Karl August and Goethe
- Christiane Vulpius, Goethe’s lover, mother of his child, and wife at last
- Goethe and Schiller
Maximilien Robespierre and the French Revolution
- The Gathering Storm
- On the Isolation of Kings
- Rousseau’s Le Contract Social as the “Bible of the Revolution”
- A Victorian Assessment of the Accomplishments of the Constituent Assembly
- Famine in Paris and Mob Violence
- The French Revolution & Constitutional Monarchy
- Robespierre's changing views of royalty and the growth of his republicanism
- Maximilien Robespierre — G. H. Lewes’s Final Judgment
- The Religion of Robespierre
- Robespierre's moral incorruptibility & the September affair
- Robespierre’s views of universal education
- The Death of Marat and Robespierre's responsibility for the Terror
Lewes and the Visual Arts
Lewes, George Henry. The Life of Goethe. 2nd ed. London: Smith Elder, 1864. Internet Archive online version of a copy in the Bodleian Library. Web. 7 May 2017.
Lewes, George Henry. The Letters of George Henry Lewes. Electronic Edition. Intelex ISBN: 978-1-57085-513-9.
Lewes, George Henry. The Letters of George Henry Lewes. Ed. William Baker. 3 vols. Victoria, B.C.: English Literary Studies, University of Victoria, 1995-1999. [A fourth volume in in progress.]
Lewes, George Henry. The Life of Maximilien Robespierre; with extracts from his unpublished correspondence. London, Chapman and Hall, 1849. Hathi Digital Library Trust online version of a copy in the Harvard University Library. Web. 25 April 2017.
Lewes, George Henry. On Actors and the Art of Acting. 2nd ed. London: Smith, Elder, 1875. Hathi Digital Library Trust online version of a copy in the Harvard University Library. Web. 22 April 2017.
Last modified 24 June 2019