His mind seemed ready to interest itself in almost any matter that came before it; perhaps it would be best described by saying there was a wide-awakedness about him which let nothing escape notice that came within the range of his observation. — M. F. C. Morris, 33
THAT would be a very incomplete record of the life of Mr. Morris which did not make some mention of his attitude towards what is commonly known as the Darwinian theory of evolution, and the views to which he gave utterance with reference thereto ; for not only did he feel strongly upon the subject, but of all the clergy of the Church of England who made public their opinions there was probably not one who wrote at greater length, more outspokenly, vehemently, and decidedly than he. — M. F. C. Morris, 212

Biographical Material
- Selections from All the Articles of the Darwin Faith (1882)
- Extracts from "The Sparrow" in Volume III of The History of British Birds
- "Bewick's Swan" in Volume VI of The History of British Birds
- "Balmoral" in Volume I of A series of picturesque views of seats of the noblemen and gentlemen of Great Britain and Ireland
Literary relations and other contextual material
Clark, J. F. M. "Morris, Francis Orpen (1810–1893), Church of England clergyman and naturalist." Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Online ed. Web. 7 December 2016.
Dyson, Brian. "Ornithological Observations." Paragon Review (5). Archives and Special Collections, Brynmor Jones Library. Web. 7 December 2016.
Morris, Francis Orpen. All the Articles of the Darwin Faith. London: W. Poole, 1882. Internet Archive. Contributed by the University of California Libraries. Web. 7 December 2016.
_____. Bible Natural History: containing a description of quadrupeds, birds, trees, plants, insects, etc. mentioned in the Holy Scriptures. Manchester: J. Ainsworth, 1856. Internet Archive. Contributed by the University of California Libraries. Web. 7 December 2016.
_____. Book of Natural History; containing a description of animals and birds. 1852. Internet Archive. Contributed by Oxford University Library. Web. 7 December 2016.
_____. A History of British Birds. Vol. 3. London: Groombridge, 1862. Internet Archive. Contributed by Tisch Library, Tufts University. Web. 7 December 2016.
_____. A History of British Birds. Vol. 6. London: Groombridge, 1862. Internet Archive. Contributed by Tisch Library, Tufts University. Web. 7 December 2016.
_____. A Natural History of the Eggs and Nests of British Birds. Vol. II. London: J. C. Nimmo, 1892. Internet Archive. Contributed by the University of California Libraries. Web. 7 December 2016.
_____. A series of picturesque views of seats of the noblemen and gentlemen of Great Britain and Ireland. With descriptive and historical letterpress. Vol. 1. London, Edinburgh, Dublin: William Mackenzie, 1880. Internet Archive. Contributed by the Getty Research Institute. Web. 7 December 2016.
_____. A series of picturesque views of seats of the noblemen and gentlemen of Great Britain and Ireland. With descriptive and historical letterpress. Vol. 6. London, Edinburgh, Dublin: William Mackenzie, 1880. Internet Archive. Contributed by the Getty Research Institute. Web. 7 December 2016.
Morris, M. F. C. Francis Orpen Morris: A Memoir. London: J. C. Nimmo, 1897. Internet Archive. Contributed by Robarts Library, University of Toronto. Web. 7 December 2016.
Created 7 December 2016