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Burne-Jones, Georgiana. Memorials of Edward Burne-Jones. 2 vols. 1904. Rpt. London: Lund Humphries, 1993.
Christian, John. "'A Serious Talk': Ruskin's Place in Burne-Jones's Artistic Development." Pre-Raphaelite Papers, ed. by Leslie Parris. London: Tate Gallery, 1984. 184-205.
Collingwood, W. G. The Life and Work of John Ruskin. London: George Allen, 1893.
Cook, E. T. and Alexander Wedderburn, eds. The Library Edition of the Works of John Ruskin. 39 vols. London: George Allen, 1903-12.
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Evans, Joan and John Howard Whitehouse, eds. The Diaries of John Ruskin. 3 vols. Oxford: Clarendon, 1956-59.
Hilton, Tim. John Ruskin: The Early Years. New Haven: Yale UP, 1985.
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Hunt, J. D. The Wider Sea: A Life of John Ruskin. New York: Viking, 1982.
Leon, Derrick. Ruskin: The Great Victorian. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1949.
Mills, J. Saxon. Sir Edward Cook: K.B.E.: A Biography. London: Constable, 1926.
Rosenberg, John. The Darkening Glass: A Portrait of Ruskin's Genius. New York: Columbia UP, 1961.
Shapiro, Harold I., ed. Ruskin in Italy: Letters to his Parents, 1845. Oxford: Clarendon, 1972.
Spates, James L. "John Ruskin's Dark Star: New Lights on his Life based on the Unpublished Biographic Materials and Research of Helen Gill Viljoen." Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester 82 (2000): 135-91.
— — -. "Helen Gill Viljoen's Discovery of Ruskin's Manuscripts, Diaries, and Letters at Brantwood in October and November, 1929." The Friends of Ruskin's Brantwood Newsletter: Part One (Autumn 1998): 17-25; Part Two (Spring 1999): 17-31; Part Three (Autumn 1999): 10-30.
— — -. "Helen Gill Viljoen: 'The Scholar and His Life': A Lecture to the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Queens College, 1960. The Friends of Ruskin's Brantwood Newsletter: Part One: "The Brantwood Discoveries, 1929" (Spring 2002): 21-30; Part Two: "After Brantwood, 1930-1960" (Autumn 2002): 16-24; Part Three: "The Imperfect Round, 1961-1974, with an Assessment" (Spring, 2004): needs pgs. [An expanded version of Part Three is available from the author.]
Viljoen, Helen Gill. Ruskin's Scottish Heritage: A Prelude. Urbana, IL: U of Illinois P, UP, 1956.
— — -, ed. The Brantwood Diary of John Ruskin. New Haven: Yale UP, 1971.
Warrell, Ian. "Exploring the 'Dark Side': Ruskin and the Problem of Turner's Erotica." British Art Journal 4,1 (2002): 5-46.
Last modified 8 August 2005