Biographical materials
- A Brief Life and Works
- An Olive Schreiner Chronology
- "All That Is Buried Is Not Dead": An Autobiographical Element in Olive Schreiner's Story of an African Farm

- The Story of an African Farm (discussion)
- Dream Life and Real Life (1893)
- Trooper Peter Halket of Mashonaland (1897)
- Women and Labour (1911)
- “An English South African Woman's View of the Situation” (1899)
- Stories, Dreams and Allegories, published posthumously in 1923
- From Man To Man; or, Perhaps Only (drafted in 1885; published posthumously in 1929)
Literary Relations
- Thomas Carlyle (early influence)
- Charles Darwin (early influence)
- Ralph Waldo Emerson (early influence)
- George Meredith recommends publication of Story of an African Farm
- John Stuart Mill (early influence)
- Herbert Spencer (early influence)
Theme and subject
- Sexual, racial and class oppression.
- Male chivalry as oppressing women
- Against girl's finishing schools
- Gender roles are socially determined
- Gender and androgyny
References and Further Reading
Beeton, Douglas Ridley. Olive Schreiner: A Short Guide to Her Writings. Cape Town: H. Timmins. 1974.
Berman, Joyce Avrech. The Healing Imagination of Olive Schreiner: Beyond South African Colonialism. Amherst, Mass.: University of Massachusetts, 1989.
Burdett, Carolyn. Olive Schreiner and the Progress of Feminism: Evolution, Gender, Empire. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2001.
Clayton, Cherry. Olive Schreiner. Twayne: University of Michigan, 1997.
Draznin, Yaffa Claire. My Other Self: The Letters of Olive Schreiner and Havelock Ellis, 1884-1920. New York: Peter Lang, 1992.
First, Ruth, and Ann Scott. Olive Schreiner. London: Andre Deutsch, 1980.
Heilmann, Ann. New Woman Strategies: Sarah Grand, Olive Schreiner, Mona Caird. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2004.
Knechtel, Ruth. “Olive Schreiner's Pagan Animism: An Underlying Unity”, English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920. Volume 53, Number 3, 2010.
Monsman, Gerald Cornelius. Olive Schreiner's Fiction: Landscape and Power. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1991.
___. “Olive Schreiner: Literature and Politics of Power”, Texas Studies in Literature and Language. Vol. 30. No. 4, Winter 1988.
Murphy, Patricia. Time is of the Essence. Temporality, Gender, and the New Woman. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2001.
Parkin-Gounelas, Ruth. Fictions of the Female Self: Charlotte Brontë, Olive Schreiner, Katherine Mansfield. St. Martin's Press. 1991.
Schreiner, Olive. The Story of an African Farm. Edited by Joseph Bristow. Oxford: Oxford University, 1998.
Showalter, Elaine. A Literature of Their Own: British Women Writers From Brontë to Lessing. London: Virago Press, 1978.
Wallraven, Miriam. A Writing Halfway Between Theory and Fiction: Mediating Feminism from the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Century. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2007.
Wollstonecraft, Mary. Mary, A Fiction. Project Gutenberg.
Web Resources
Last modified 26 March 2012