[Y]ou've just read what's not worth reading of Wells: War of the Worlds and suchlike arrant rot — because they're theoryish. Read Kipps, Love and Mr Lewisham, and read, read Tono-Bungay; it is a great book. — D. H. Lawrence, Letter to Blanche Jennings, 8 May 1909, p. 119.
Wells, it seems to me, had greater genius than any other novelist of his time in England.... But ..., for lack of any serious concern for his art, before he was half-way through his career gave up for mankind what was meant for the novel — I cannot help thinking to mankind's ultimate loss. — Walter Allen, p. 314.

H. G. Wells, by E. Harries (Hopkins, facing Contents page).
Biographical Material and Works
- H. G. Wells: The Victorian Years
- H. G. Wells, photographic portrait of 1901, by Elliott & Fry
- H. G. Wells: A Select Bibliography
- The Wheels of Chance: H. G. Wells's Cycling Romance
- "O! Realist of the Fantastic": H. G. Wells and The War of the Worlds
- H. G. Wells's Reputation
- Wells and Macmillans
Material Including and/or Relevant to Wells
- Victorian Best-Sellers, 18562-1901 (see 1895 onwards)
- Homesick in Utopia: State Capitalism and Pathology in Novels of the 1880s and 1890s
- Science and Technology in Victorian Utopias
- Dickens's Hard Times and Dystopia
Last modified 28 September 2018