Cover Design by Noah M. Landow
Series Foreword
Part I. Introduction
- Managing the Digital Word: The Text in an Age of Electronic Reproduction.
Paul Delany and George P. Landow
Part II. Text Management
- Reading and Managing Texts on the Bibliothèque de France Station.
Jacques Virbel
- The FreeText Project: Large-Scale Personal Information Retrieval.
Mark Zimmermann
- Text-Management Software: A Taxonomy. Sue Stigleman
- Markup Systems and the Future of Scholarly Text Processing .
James H. Coombs, Allen H. Renear, and Steven J. DeRose
- Markup Systems in the Present. StevenJ. DeRose
Part III. Textual Resources and Communication
- Emerging Electronic Library Services
and the Idea of Location Independence. Christinger Tomer
- The British National Corpus. Jeremy H. Clear
- From the Scholar's Library to the Personal Docuverse. Paul Delany
- The Academic On Line. Alen T. McKenzie
- Two Theses about the New Scholarly Communication.
Allen H. Renear and Geoffrey Bilder
- Electronic Conferences and Samiszdat Textuality:
The Example of Technoculture. George P. Landow
Part IV. Working with Texts
- Seeing through the Interface:
Computers and the Future of Composition. Nancy Kaplan and Stuart Moulthrop
- Redefining Critical Editions. Peter M. W. Robinson
- Computer-Assisted Critical Analysis:
A Case Study of Margaret Atwood's Handmaid's Tale.Ian Lancashire
- Beyond the Word: Reading and the Computer. David S. Miall