Conception of Cover Design by Paul Delany
Part I. Introduction
- Hypertext, Hypermedia and Literary Studies:
The State of the Art.
George P. Landow and Paul Delany 3
Part II. Theory
- Reading and Writing the Electronic Book.
Nicole Yankelovich, Norman Meyrowitz and Andries van Dam 53
- The Rhetoric of Hypermedia: Some Rules for Authors
George P. Landow 81
- Topographic Writing:
Hypertext and the E]ectronic Writing Space.
Jay David Bolter 105
- Reading From the Map:
Metonymy and Metaphor in the Fiction of "Forking Paths.'"
Stuart Moulthrop 119
- From Electronic Books to Electronic Libraries:
Revisiting "Reading and Writing the Electronic Book."
Nicole Yankelovich 133
- Poem Descending a Staircase:
Hypertext and the Simultaneity of Experience.
William Dickey 143
- Reading Hypertext:
Order and Coherence in a New Medium.
John Slatin 153
- Threnody:
Psychoanalytic Digressions on the Subject of Hypertexts.
Terence Harpold 171
Part III. Applications
- Biblical Studies and Hypertext
Steven J. DeRose. 185
- Ancient Materials, Modern Media:
Shaping the Study of Classics with Hypertext.
Gregory Crane and Elli Mylonas 205
- Adapting Published Material into Intermedia Documents.
Paul Kahn 221
- The Shakespeare Project.
Larry Friedlander 257
- The Emblematic Hyperbook.
David Graham 273
- HyperCard Stacks for Fielding's Joseph Andrews:
Issues of Design and Content.
Paul Delany and John K. Gilbert 287
- Hypertext for the PC: the Ruben Dario Project.
Joseph A. Feustle Jr. 299
- Conceptualizing Hypermedia Curricula
for Literary Studies in Schools.
Alister Cumming and Gerri Sinclair 315
Bibliography 329
Notes on Contributors 339