- The Pawtuxet Hotel
- The Pawtuxet Club at the hotel
- Glanville Park in the 1950s
- The Conklin Limestone Quarry
- Garage and workshop at the quarry
- The Black Gold Asphalt Plant
- The Book Store on Cathedral Square
- Loui’s Diner and the adjacent gas station
- The Badger Motor Hotel and Parking Garage
- Pawtuxet Bank & Trust
- The abandoned coal gas plant and gasometer
- Central Bus Station
- Old Gas Station
- The Cathedral of St. George & Ruth, Cathedral Square, Pawtuxet
Buildings constructed from old railroad cars
- Guralnik's Auto Parts
- Koenig Coal
- Berube Home Improvements
- Pawtuxet Provisions
- AA Welding
- John’s Bait and Tackle Shop
Rolling stock