Galilee Harbor: small coastal freighter plus fishing boat under repair at Frary & Hayden Marine Supply (2). The small sailing ship docked before Frary & Hayden comes from Rusty Rail as do both the fishing boat under repair and the boiler and winch mechanism puling a boat up to the yard. Instead of using the rather thick mast that came with the kit, I modified the sail boat by using a length of bamboo stick used for shish kabob, which my Ruth brought home from a restaurant for me, and then created rigging from tan sewing thread. I exchanged the more elaborate roof of the tiny fishing boat with a simple sheet of white-painted plastic. The winch platform, which a pole supports, features pseudo-board-by-board construction — the individual boards are glued to a piece of 1/8 ply and surrounded by scale 1' square timber.
Other views of this scene
- Small coastal freighter plus fishing boat under repair at Frary & Hayden Marine Supply (1)
- Small coastal freighter plus fishing boat under repair at Frary & Hayden Marine Supply (2)