The Foundry, one of the first structures I scratchbuilt, must derive from an E. L. Moore how-to-do-it photo-article in Model Railroader, since the only commercial part I can spot in this photograph of it is the Campbell barrel. The chimney, I recall, was a wide soda straw, the roofs covered with grimy-black-painted sandpaper glued to cardboard, and the windows homemade. The ventilators on the roof were scratch built and I later replaced them with with commercial round ones.
In this picture, I was trying to emulate some of the better railroad model photographers who took pictures of their models in real 1:1 landscape settings — here the Providence, RI, waterfront as seen from India Point Park: the clouds, sky, distant landscape, and oil tank at left are all full-size componmnts of the scene.Another view: A photograph of the foundry at Lone Pine on the AP&G. [GPL].