Sitting down to eat in the Glanville Lumber Company Mess Hall . One of the crew, who leans against a table holding a newspaper and a water jug with spigot — both from Fine Scale Miniatures, as is the stove — talks with the cook (who's standing just outside the picture) while the locomotive crew and some loggers dine. The dining room has tables, benches, plates, and food — even a scale-model leg of lamb on a platter. I made the plates from painted press-out plastic pieces on photographic slide sheets, and the black pot of spaghetti is a tiny section of soda straw into which I fitted a painted red dowel. The mess hall provided the subject of a how-to-do-it photo-article in the May 1983 Railroad Model Craftsman.
Other views
- The little Shay on the track near the mess hall
- The Class-B Climax on the track near the mess hall
- The mess hall's board-by-board construction
- Inside the Glanville Lumber Company Mess Hall — the Cook
- The kitchen
- Exterior view of the kitchen end