A busy scene at the Trolley Barn as a trolley approaches and a work train is assembling. [Click on images to enlarge them.]

Left: David, Richard, and a guest from another club look at the layout. Right: The RALPH, which David actually sank, and the Lillian on the left which is a great aunt’s smuggler in the Coles River.

Activity on the wharf along side the lobster boat. Henry the Baker is cooling his overheated delivery truck while yard workers load flower into the back of the truck. In the background we see passengers waiting for the trolley.

Left: It's 1941, and nurse Connor lectures a soldier and sailors before they enter the notorious Narragansett Room. Right: A view of the enginehouse and the various vintage controls for the layout.

A True Rhode Island scene: a drive-in coffeeshop serving Autocrat Coffee. A structure in the shape of a milkcan just like the one depicted sits decrepit on along route 146 outside of Woonsocket. This one was on County Street, Somerset, Ma. Route 138.

Left: A distant view of the trolley layout with a Dave’s collection of HO-scale trolleys in the background. Right: A busy Friday night at Coles Station, Swansea, Massachusetts.

Left: A nightscene inside one of the buildings on the layout. Right: The Railway Express driver rolls some packages up a ramp in front of an 1890s boxcar that had been repurposed as a freight station or warehouse.

Visitors admiring the railroad as Dave explains the “what if” layout. It’s Friday the 13th, 1941 and what if the Providence, Warren and Bristol had not closed when a tanker struck the Slades Ferry train, trolley and auto bridge. Scope creep has almost made it a free-lance railroad over time.