Works on this site
- Death is Here (etching)
- The Dead Mother (etching)
- The Judgment of Paris (oil on canvas)
- Discovery of a Glove: The Theft (etching)
Essays, Discussion Questions, and Related Material
- Horror and Christian Death Imagery in Klinger's The Dead Mother
- Klinger, Symbolism and the Bizarre
- Max Klinger's Incubus: The Dead Mother
- Mortality and Modernity Invade the Landscape
- A site outside the Victorian Web with the complete Paraphrases about the Finding of a Glove series
Cassou, Jean. The Concise Encylopedia of Symbolism. Trans. Susie Saunders. Secaucaus, N. J.: Chartwell Books, 1979.
Lucie-Smith, Edward. Symbolist Art. London: Thames and Hudson, 1972.
Powell, Nicolas, The Sacred Spring: The Arts in Vienna, 1898-1918. Greenwich, Connecticut: New York Graphic Society, 1974.

Last modified 19 April 2020