[*** = disponible en español. Traducción de Montserrat Martínez García revisada y editada por Asun López-Varela. El diseño HTML, el formato, y los enlaces de George P. Landow.]
- Multivocality in the novel
- "An Interior Confronting": Death in Jane Eyre and Dombey y hijo
- Toodle the Railway Man — Occupation as Character
- The Transformative Power of Victorian Railways
- ***Dickens's Anti-Medievalism
- Railways as image and plot device in Dombey y hijo

Illustrations of Dombey y hijo
- Phiz (Hablot K. Browne)
- Cover for monthly parts
- Frontispiece
- Profound Cogitation of Captain Cuttle
- Paul and Miss Pipchin (plate — working drawing)
- Major Bagstock is delighted to have that opportunity (plate — working drawing)
- The Midshipman is boarded by the enemy (plate — working drawing)
- Mr. Carker in his hour of triumph (plate — working drawing)
- Mr. Dombey introduces his daughter Florence
- Coming home from Church
- The Midshipman is boarded by the enemy
- Abstraction and recognition
- Florence and Edith on the staircase
- Portrait of Miss Skewton (From a series of separately published etchings)
- Another Wedding
- Seventeen "Fancies" for Mr. Dombey
- Unidentified illustrator for the Co-operative Publication Society's edition of Dicken's works [1912?]
- Captain Cuttle: "Uncle much hove down, Wal'r?" inquired the Captain
- "Or rising to see where the moon shone faintly."
Last modified 8 June 2009