[Traducción de Martin Glikson revisada y editada por Asun López-Varela. El diseño HTML, el formato, y los enlaces de George P. Landow.]
- The Works of Max Beerbohm (1896)
- The Happy Hypocrite (1897)
- More (1899)
- Yet Again (1909)
- Zuleika Dobson (1911)
- A Christmas Garland (1912)
- Seven Men (1919)
- Herbert Beerbohm Tree, comp. Max Beerbohm (1920)
- And Even Now (1920)
- Around Theatres (1924) vols. 8 and 9 of Works (1922-28).
- A Variety of Things (1928), vol. 10 of Works (1922-28)
- The Dreadful Dragon of Hay Hill (1928)
- Lytton Strachey (1954)
- Mainly on the Air (1846)
- Max in Verse, ed. J. G. Riewald (1963)
- More Theatres, ed. Rupert Hart-Davis (1969)
- Last Theatres, ed. Rupert Hart-Davis (1970)
- A Peep into the Past and other Prose Pieces, ed. Rupert Hart-Davis (1972).
- Max Beerbohm and The Mirror of the Past, ed. Lawrence Danson (1982), includes text of unfinished novel, The Mirror of the Past
- The Illusrated Zuleika Dobson, intro. N. John Hall (1985)
- Collected Verse, ed. J. G. Riewald (1994)
- Caricatures of Twenty-Five Gentlemen (1896)
- The Poets Corner (1904)
- A Book of Caricatures (1907)
- Cartoons: The Second childhood of John Bull (1911)
- Fifty Caricatures (1913)
- A Survey (1921)
- Rossetti and His Circle (1922) [[texto completo, imágenes y comentario]]
- Things New and Old (1923)
- Observations (1925)
- Heroes and Heroines of Bitter Sweet (1931)
- Max's Nineties (1958)
- A Catalogue of the Caricatures of Max Beerbohm, comp. Rupert Hart-Davis (1972)
- Beerbohm's Literary Caricatures, ed. J. G. Riewald (1977)
- Letters to Reggie Turner, ed. Rupert Hart-Davis (1964)
- Max and Will: Max Beerbohm and William Rothenstein, Their Friendship and Letters, ed. Mary Lago and Karl Beckson (1975)
- Siegfried Sassoon, Letters to Max Beerbohm with A Few Answers, ed. Rupert Hart-Davis (1986)
- Letters of Max Beerbohm, ed. Rupert Hart-Davis (1988)

Last modified 28 Noviembre 2008; traducido diciembre 2009