- The Strayed Reveller and Other Poems (1849)
- 'The Forsaken Merman' — text (U. of Toronto site)
- 'The Sick King in Bokhara'
- Empedocles on Etna and other Poems (1852)
- "The Buried Life" (text)
- "Empedocles on Etna" — commentary
- Lines in Kensington gardens" (1852) text (U. of Toronto site)
- 'Tristram and Iseult' — commentary
- "Summer Night"
- ""Switzerland, no. 5. To Marguerite Continued."
- Poems (1853)
- Sohrab and Rustum and Other Poems (E-text at Project Gutenberg)
- "Calais Sands" text — commentary
- "Sohrab and Rustum" text — commentary
- "The Scholar-Gipsy" commentaries: Johnson — Sullivan — text (U. of Toronto site)
- "Church of Brou"
- "Requiescat"
- "Memorial Verses of Wordsworth"
- "Stanzas in Memory of the Author of Obermann"
- Poems, Second Series (1855)
- "Balder Dead" — commentary
- "The Modern Element in Literature," inaugural lecture at Oxford (November 1857)
- Merope, a Tragedy (1858) — commentary
- On Translating Homer (lectures) (1861)
- The Study of Celtic Literature (lectures) (1867)
- Essays in Criticism (1865 and 1888)
- "The Function of Criticism at the Present Time"
- New Poems (1867)
- "Dover Beach" text — commentary and discussion of the imagery
- "Thyrsis" — text (U. of Toronto site)
- "Rugby Chapel" "text" (U. of Toronto site)
- "Heine's Grave"
- "A Southern Night"
- Culture and Anarchy (1869)
- Complete text of first edition
- "Doing as One Likes" (full text of chapter 2, third edition)
- Culture and Anarchy and the 1867 Reform Bill
- attacks Philistine elements in bourgeois society that threaten the creative intellect
- St. Paul and Protestantism (1870)
- discussion (ch. 5, DeLaura's Hebrew and Hellene)
- Friendship's Garland (1871)
- Literature and Dogma (1873)
- discussion (ch. 5, DeLaura's Hebrew and Hellene)
- God and the Bible (1875)
- Last Essays on Church and Religion (1877)

Last modified 21 November 2010