- Victorian Working Women: Sweated Labor
- Clara Collet and women's work
- Margaret Harkness: A Late Victorian New Woman and Social Investigator
- Marthe Josephine Besson, an important Victorian businesswoman
- The invention of the “housewife” and the previctorian role of women
Upper Clases
- Royalty — the Queen
- Nobility
- The Aristocracy and Gentry
- Ladies of the Uplands and the Lawn — an Example from a Seaside Town
- Lady Charlotte Guest, Industrialist and translator (Data Wales site)
- Families of new capitalists, millowners
- Florence Nightingale
- Nurses in the Franco-Prussian War, the Serbo-Turkish War, and Battles with the Chairman of the British Red Cross (UK site)
- The United Kingdom Centre for the History of Nursing & Midwifery (UK site)
Middle Classes

- Families of professionals — physicians, attorneys, writers, engineers —
- Women writers and doctors (these last only near the end of the century)
- Member of religous order (later nineteenth century)
Lower Middle Classes and Ambiguous Classes
- Hoteliers
- Publicans
- Tradeswomen
- Lodging house keepers
- Governess or teacher
- Schoolmistresses and Governesses
- The Figure of the Governess (based on Pearsall's Night's Black Angels
- The Governess and Class Prejudice
- Punch and Brontë on Training the Ideal Governess
- The Position of Middle Class Women
- The Victorian Governess: A Bibliography
- Donald Clarke's A Daisy in the Broom: The Story of a School, 1820-1958
Lower Classes

- Women of the upper working class
- Girls and Women at Work in Victorian Mines, Quarries, and Brickworks
- Miscellaneous occupations
- Seamstresses, Milliners
- Farm, factory, and mine workers
- Washerwomen
- Domestic servants
- Introduction
- Domestic servants in Victorian Hastings
- "On the Side of the Maids" — an 1874 account of a maid's hard life
- "Maid in England" — the life of the Victorian domestic servant (Public Record Office exhibition)
- Women of the 'lower' working class in Hastings
- Deserving poor: unemployed, underemployed, victims of injury and illness
- Undeserving poor, criminal classes: Prostitution
- Women of the underclass
- Magistrates Court reports from Hastings
Last modified 27 May 2018