- The Role of the Victorian Army
- Cardwell's Army Reforms, 1870-81
- The Organisation of the British Army
- The Rank Marks of the British Army
- Colonel Herbert Harrington Roberts reminiscences of mid-Victorian army life
- Uniforms of the British Army in 1855
- "Volunteer Sham Fight on Whit Monday"

- Aldershot Military Town, Hampshire
- The Prince Consort's Library, Aldershot
- Royal Garrison Church of All Saints, Aldershot
Conflict at home and abroad
- The Peterloo Riots and Massacre (pre-Victorian)
- The Chinese Opium Wars, 1839-60
- The Crimean War, 1853-56
- The Indian Mutiny of 1857
- Zulu War of 1879
- The Boer Wars of 1880-81 and 1889-1902
- John Hope's Water Rates
The Army and literature
The British Military and the visual arts
- The Artists Rifles
- War Monuments
- Waterloo — Elizabeth Thompson (Lady Butler), England's greatest military painter
- The Army in British India
- The Boer War — English and Boer views
- The Crimean War
- The British Navy
Last modified 21 November 2019