The British point of view
- At Bay
- Battle of Dundee (Glencoe), October 20, 1899
- Battle of Elands Laagte, October 21, 1899
- Battle of Belmont, November 23, 1899
- Battle of Modder River, November 28, 1899
- Battle of Belmont
- Colenso, 15.XII.1899
- Defence of Mafeking
- The flankers outflanked. Cavalry under General French
- Q Battery, RHA at Koorn Spruit
- First in the trenches
- Lieutenant Parsons, R.A. and Men of the 60th Rifles manning a field gun
- Col. R. S. S. Baden-Powell
- Lord Roberts
- Lord Roberts
- R.A.M.C. collecting wounded

The Boer point of view
- In Memory of the Brave Deeds of the Boers
- Boer generals and officers
- Combat de Tweebosch, capture du Général Methuen
- Boer cavalry on the march
- British prisoners in South Africa
Last modified 10 December 2014