he Research Society for Victorian Periodicals and the Scottish Centre for Victorian and Neo-Victorian Studies invite paper proposals for a one-day workshop in May 2022. This event will explore how Victorian periodical and newspaper cultures operated in the different nations of the British Isles and Ireland, and in their diaspora cultures that emerged through emigration and imperialism. We hope to interrogate how periodicals constructed Irish, Scottish and Welsh identities, in relation to or in opposition to a range of ‘English’ identities, as well as examining how such English identities were unmade and remade in coeval relation with the neighbouring countries it governed. We particularly welcome papers that engage with these ideas in relation to languages and regional dialects; diasporas, immigrant cultures, and indigenous cultures; and transimperial dynamics.
We anticipate that this workshop will take place in person in the Trades Hall in Glasgow city centre, conforming to pandemic regulations. We will provide opportunities to participate remotely. Please signal in your submission if you would not be able to attend in person. RSVP will award 5 travel bursaries of £200 for PG/ECR/Independent Scholar participants who do not have other access to institutional funding. Registration for the workshop is funded by the SCVS at the University of Strathclyde and will be free up to a maximum of 30 participants.
For more information about proposal submission and travel bursaries, please see the full CFP on the RSVP website (rs4vp.org). The deadline for proposal submission is 25 Feb. 2022.
Last modified 5 October 2021