his collection aims to continue the work of diversifying the 19th-century British literary canon. Many authors who were revolutionary and popular during their time are now underrepresented in the current scholarly field. The essays in the collection will touch on underread texts and authors as well as under appreciated characters in more traditionally canonical works. We welcome essays using lenses such as disability studies, trauma theory, critical race theory, queer theory, postcolonial studies, and more.
Chapter proposals can include but are not limited to:
- Underread 19th-century British authors
- 19th-century diaries or letters that have been critically ignored
- Examinations of minor or ignored characters in canonical works
Approaches to underread or unappreciated works using:
- Disability theory
- Queer theory
- Critical race theory
- Postcolonial studies
- Trauma studies
Please submit an abstract no longer than 500 words to Michaela George and Elizabeth Drummy, the volume editors. Additionally, please include a short biography (maximum 300 words).
Last modified 27 July 2023