Bentley's Miscellany
- "Our Indian Empire" (September 1857)
- "The English in India" (October 1857)
- "The Day of Humiliation" (November 1857)
- "The East India Company" (November 1857)
- "The Grand Mosque and the Imperial Palace of Delhi" (November 1857)
- "The Causes of the Indian Mutiny" (February 1858)
- "How is India to be Governed?" (February 1858)
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine
- "The Bengal Mutiny" (September 1857)
- "The Company's Raj" (November 1857)
- "Our Indian Empire" (December 1857)
- "The Religions of India" (December 1857)
- "A Familiar Epistle from Mr John Company to Mr John Bull" (January 1858)
- "A Few More Words from Mr John Company to Mr John Bull" (March 1858)
- "John Company's Farewell to John Bull" (September 1858)
British Quarterly Review
- "The Government of India and the Mutinies" (October 1857)
- "Commerce with India: Past and Present" (April 1858)
Fraser's Magazine for Town and Country
- "The Indian Mutinies" (August 1857)
- "The Indian Mutinies" (November 1857)
- "The Indian Mutinies: Our Past and Future Policy, in Religion and Colonization" (June 1858)
The London Quarterly Review
- "The Sepoy Rebellion" (October 1857)
- "Crisis of the Sepoy Rebellion" (January 1858)
Quarterly Review
- "Indian Mutiny" (October 1857)

Last modified 23 February 2017