Introductory material
Photographs and other Images of Lucknow
- The Palace of the King of Oude, Lucknow
- The Residency
- Aitken Post, Bailey Guard, Lucknow
- The Kaisar Bagh
- The Martiniere
- "Hole in the wall of the Residency made by shell that wounded Sir Henry Lawrence July 2 1857"
Photographs of Dancers and Musicians of the Oudh Court of Lucknow (1874)
The subjects of the photographs are dancing girls unless otherwise labelled, but in some cases it is not clear if their photographs bear their names or their tribes or ethnicities.

- Ubbasee Domnee. Dancing girls and musicians
- Ladlee
- Husso Lan
- Gumoon
- Pookharaj-Purree of the Indur Subha
- Ameer Jan, Biba Walli Dancing Gir
- Hydur Jan
- Feerozah
- Nazeer of Chundurbhga
- Subuz-Purree of the Indur Subha
- Gowhur
- Hosensee
- Mushtari
Forrest, G. W. [On title-page: “Ex-director of Records, Government of India”]. Cities of India. London: Archibald Constable, 1903. Internet Archive online version of a copy in the University of California Library. Web. 25 November 2018.
Last modified 8 December 2018